Physician, red makeup


Xiaohei Xiaobai's unanimous answer made Bailihong makeup more and more sure of his own conjecture. Emperor Beibei was at most three years older than her, but her strength was so strong that she could see the high level of cultivation talent.

Even the famous genius of Fengbo is far from being able to compare with it. This can only prove that the imperial concubine is not simple!

"But, how does that guy shut me down?" Baili red makeup shrugged and turned into the medicine shop.

Wanfangfang, the largest medicinal material shop in the Imperial City, has complete medicinal materials, and basically all the medicinal materials needed can be found here.

As soon as I walked in, the red makeup of Baili smelled the oncoming medicinal herbs, and immediately judged which fragrances were used.

"Gathering grass, live fruit, blood coagulation grass..."

The smile of the mouth of the red lips is a shallow smile, and a sense of familiarity surrounds her. In the past, her favorite research was medical practice. She was soaked all the year round, so she was very familiar at this moment.

Ji Wenbin, the treasurer of Wanfangfang, is sorting out the medicinal materials. After seeing the brilliance of his eyes and closing his eyes, he only said the name of the medicinal herbs with his medicinal scent, and his face was amazed.

"The girl is really powerful, and the medicinal materials are judged to be a good one!" Ji Wenbin praised.

He has been taking care of the medicinal materials shop all the year round. After only a long period of time, he has learned the skills of smelling medicinal herbs. This girl can only be judged at the age of fifteen or so. How can this be surprising?

The hundred-mile red makeup smiled slightly, "the treasurer won the prize."

"I don't know how young girls know about medicinal materials at a young age?"

Ji Wenbin curiously looked at the hundred-mile red makeup. He always preferred the medicinal herbs. At this moment, he saw the sinful pharmacist's red makeup and felt it was the same.

Taking advantage of Ji Wenbin's excitement, Bailihong makeup knows that this shopkeeper is a person who is obsessed with pharmacology. This kind of questioning is just a curiosity.

"I studied pharmacology from a young age, so I know this very well." Baili red makeup smiled.

"So, is the girl a doctor?"

The hundred-mile red makeup daggers lightly, affirming Ji Wenbin's speculation.

In the past, some of her elders liked to study pharmacology, so she also spent the whole day in the medicinal materials, and then got the true biography of the elders, and she was known as a doctor at a young age.

For medical skills, she has always been quite confident.

Ji Wenbin's eyes are even more amazing. This girl is already a doctor so young, and her future achievements must be even more difficult.

"What do girls want to buy?" Seeing the red makeup in the counter and looking at the medicine in the counter, Ji Wenbin asked in a voice, "The medicine in my medicine workshop has always been complete, and most of the medicines I have here."

Baili red makeup smiles lightly, looking at the medicinal materials and the price tag, but the eyes are quietly filled with doubtful colors.

"How is this price so unreasonable?"

Emei slightly, the red makeup of Baili did not say anything. Since Wanbaifang has such a clear price tag, it must not be wrong. Is it so much different from the medicinal materials of the millennium?

Bailucao and Tianxianzi have been the cheapest medicines in the past, but the price has actually increased tenfold. In contrast, some medicines that should be slightly higher in price are extremely cheap here, which is too strange.

Daddy, the sight of Bailihong makeup stayed on top of a medicinal material. The green medicinal material on the whole body flashed with a little white light, like a star, this is the star spirit grass!