Her mood was noticed by her future inlaw,Mrs.Harmony,who took it that she wasn't really interested in the proposal,but had faked not to be bothered about it.
This was a huge opportunity that would change the life of her family, if the marriage between both families went successful.
Who wouldn't love to be in-laws, with the wealthiest family recognized in country B and the nation at large?
She wouldn't let this opportunity pass her by,her son was definitely going to marry her daughter in-law, regardless of her being such a brat.
She wouldn't mind,she trained her son better to know how to treat a lady like that.
After all, this was clearly a contracted marriage with both families,which is strictly for business on her side,but she couldn't say the same about Caterina Hamilton.
But it didn't bother her to be involved in whatever idea she had for this union between their children,she didn't care to know,not at all.
The glass cup that was dropped rather aggressively on the table, was what brought the old woman out of her thoughts.
This was certainly the first time she was allowing Catleya's words to affect this much to that extent, sure,she had a way with words that could make anyone reconsider a decision that has Catteya's opinion on.
But that was not relatable for Catrina Hamilton,she knew what Catleya was doing and she couldn't let her daughter's words get to her,no matter how many times she tried breaking into the cold walls around the heart.
She wouldn't have been at this level she is right now,had it been she had a soft heart like her children,which irritates her to the core that they took after their father, especially Catleya.
Hamilton Corporation wouldn't have reached to this level,as the world leading automobile company had it not been for her consistency, hardwork and everything Caterina Hamilton was made of.
Most importantly,that had been if she didn't get married into such a wealthy family which reckoned with her dreams,and thanks to them,she's who she is today.
But yet,what she saw as a stepping stone to a better life for her family wasn't seen that way by her children,rather, they all think she was doing this only for her selfish interest.
Well,that's a big fat no.
Although she might have had a hand in Catleya's failed marriage, which had been as a result of barrenness coming from Catleya's side,that's been taken care of for years with no fruitful results.
Catleya had accused her of denying her the chance at happiness by getting her to break up with the man of her dreams,but that's a lie.
She did what she had to do as a mother who loves her child,hell no! It would have been a huge disgrace to her ego,and to the family if she had gotten married to that church rat.
She wouldn't have enjoyed the liberties she got since a kid,if she had gone through with her marriage with that gold digger.
But aside from being barren being the reason for her failed marriage, Catleya had done nothing or attempted to put any effort into making sure that her marriage worked.
Moreover, Catleya's stubborn,really stubborn that sometimes she can't imagine what it would have looked like if she had a twin.
Axel, who she spoke highly of and had treated special because he always listens to her,has also gone ahead and pulled the family name to dust by getting involved with a pauper.
She didn't have anything against her innocent Granddaughter,but for the fact that she came out of that woman's womb was a sin.
She expected more from both her children,but all they were good at was disgracing her from all corners.
But everything will be different with Tiana,she wouldn't let her be like her aunt or her father,who wasn't getting married again.
Tiana would be her Golden girl,who will Hamilton's Corp to places, she had everything,the beauty, brain and the attitude.
She just doesn't know it yet,but she's the complete replica of Catrina Hamilton,which is why she wouldn't let the remaining bloodline of her's end up like Axel and Catleya.
They all have a bad impression about a contract marriage,and she doesn't see any reason why Tiana shouldn't get married that way.
She finally ends up falling in love with her late husband,to which both Axel and Catleya were witness of.
Christopher loved Her,and if her husband could love someone like her,then,what is the reason why Tiana won't fall in love with her suitor after marriage?
"I can see you are stressed about work,Lady cat? You need to rest and stop stressing yourself too much"Mrs Harmony broke the silence which became awkward.
She doesn't know what was running through the old lady's mind,but whatever it is,she hopes it works in her favour.
"It's not that easy to do, Hamilton's Corp is like my life"She replied back ,taking a cup of water to her lips before glancing at her time.
"It seems as if you are expecting someone?you keep looking at your wristwatch"
Chairlady Cat could have shunned her at her inquisitive nature,but she kept on a cool facade just for the sake of Tiana.
She didn't want to give a wrong impression to the mother of her husband,and end up being on bad terms with her.
The marriage must hold,come rain,come sunshine.
"Not exactly,I'm expecting an important call"She smiled at the lady,she couldn't wait for this to be over so that she could go home to see Tiana.
"Okay"She said,"I was wondering when the kids would be available to meet up,my son is always ready at any time,I don't know about…."
"That would be sorted out soon,I don't see that as any problem at the moment,the only thing is to make sure that it works for both of them"She cut in,watching as she tried to hide the fact that it hurts being the only one who was trying to keep up a conversation with her.
What was she expecting?
This is based strictly on business,and she's not a friend that would require her talking to her in a more convincing manner.
Unfortunately for her, Catrina Hamilton doesn't keep friends, those things don't fascinate her,her money and family is all she cares about.
"Thank you for honoring my invitation tonight,I will let you know when my granddaughter is ready to meet your son"She said standing up as she took her bag beside her,as Mrs.Harmony stood up too with her head bowed down in respect.
"Have a goodnight rest, Chairlady Cat"She said,with a forced smile on her face,it was not taken into consideration by the old woman.
Halfway to leaving,she turned to the woman who was gaping at her,"I hope you don't disappoint me,have a lovely night"
With that, she left the woman who had been holding her breath for quite a long time,that was the power she had above everyone.
Walking into her car back home,she picked up her phone,an unreadable expression was on her face,she should get her hope's high.
It might turn out to be another bad news from Kai,about Tiana not falling for the trap set for her.
"She's home back,"Kai announced.
These were the only words that made her lips twitch abit,the very first time she attempted at smiling, something she hasn't done in years now.
This time, there's no escape for Tiana anymore.