CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Catrina Hamilton Doesn't Play Fair.

Her eyes fluttered open impatiently, when the memories came flashing through her mind like a thunderstorm.


Just like she predicted,She finally ended up showing the side of hers which everyone had always shown to her  all her life.

Human beings are a funny creature,but yet a dangerous species out of everything that ever existed out here on earth.

They always hide that ugly side of them,putting on a charade for the person who they leech off from,but one they see another companion,who's more influenced than the initial host they leech on,they always do what all animals do.

They attack.

They fight to survive.

She trusted too much,maybe because she had always been there for her right from the very first beginning of her stay here with her father and the old hag.

But in the end,just like everyone,she too has also made it clear to her that trust is a big word, and she was nothing but a fool to trust her.

Blinking her eyes wider to take into consideration her prison,she was back to where it all started,and it's all because of Kai.

A groan left her lips when she felt a slight headache,that was the aftereffect of the drug that Kai used on her,which made her wonder what dose of it that she used that made her still feel weak.

She sat up on her bed,and came in contact with the large mirror that was hanging right in front of her  bedroom to take note of her form.

A scoff escaped her lips,when she saw that she had gone extreme to take care of her as if that was going to change her mind,from what she intends on doing to her  later when she sees her next.

She had changed her clothing while she was asleep,and had worn her nightwear which made her know that it was already late here.

She stood up,and walked up to her mirror,her face was devoid of any emotion clearly showing nothing for whosoever that thinks that doing this was going to affect her.

But to her amazement,she's not bothered about being back home,after all she foresaw all that coming but what she didn't expect was the betrayal coming from who she trusted.

Her grandmother was one powerful lady,she took that into consideration because she had made it clear to her that there's nothing impossible for her to do.

She proved it to her by buying her personal person, humiliating her in public for the whole world to criticize and make a mock of and had brought her back home in the most absurd way ever.

Caterina Hamilton doesn't play fair, and Tiana has done nothing but to fall into the trap set by her.

Isn't that amazing?

She took up her hairbrush that was on the counter,and brushed her hair while humming  to her favourite song when all she could do was to save her energy and play the song directly on the phone.

But that's not worth her stressing herself,because she knew that it's of no use looking for her phone when her grandmother had taken everything possible that might help her in escaping.

She was one smart lady.

It took a whole thirty minutes to get her herself prepared to go outside there, that's what the old hag would expect of her to do.

Afterall,she can't be such a brat not to make her presence known to everyone that she's finally back home,she has to be the good daughter she has always expected her to be.

She sat still,facing the mirror with her hands digging into her thighs that she's sure that she has injured herself with the way she's acting.

But she didn't give a bloody care about that at the moment,all she wanted right now was someone to take her aggression out on.

But knowing who her  grandma is,she's not going to make it  any easier for her,she is likely to come see her when she's calm.

Her joy knew no  bounds when she heard the sound of someone coming towards her room,it was definitely not her Grandma nor her aunt.

Aunt  Catleya doesn't know yet that she's back home, because if  she knew,she would be the first person that would have knocked  down that door  to see her, regardless of her mother's warning.

It's definitely Kai,she knows she can't hide for long and always knows that there's nothing she is going to do anymore that would change her mind towards her.

So,why is she coming here?

Did her grandmother send her here to check if she killed herself?Although that's not going to happen as much as she had tried imagining that.

It would be a big shame  to her if she gave up that easily to her,so she did what she had to do, so that her grandma wouldn't know that she was eager to get out of here.

Looking up towards the new development in her room,it was nothing but a cctv camera that was there to supervise her.

Can things not get any worse?

Does  the old hag have some fetish about seeing her everyday?Because she couldn't quite understand why she would lock up a full grown woman, and also install a camera in her room as if she's some kid.

Yes,a full grown woman who's ripe for marriage.

She thought,and  waved the idea off her mind, concentrating on keeping a calm composure as the footsteps got closer with every passing seconds.

She heard the rattling of some keys,before the door was pushed wide open but it  didn't bother her to look at who it was.

It was obviously the betrayer trying to get the forgiveness of the betrayer.

A smirk hung loosely on her face, while waiting for her to talk,but she was doing nothing but deeply regretting her actions as if that was going to change anything.

She never listens.

That's always the reason why she can never get to understand that she doesn't condone the silly act,which is her crying to get her forgiveness.

Silly her!This is not Jesus Christ that she's looking at,but Tiana Hamilton.

Maybe,a wakeup call  would remind her that she just violated one of her rules.

"I must commend,you do have a silly way of proving your loyalty Kai ''She spoke up, rubbing her hands which itched to give her a blow to reset her brain,but yet,she said nothing.

Kai said nothing,but stood at her back staring holes into her head,that she suddenly felt  that she did have a wrong impression about who was here with her.

She didn't perceive that perfume of hers that always lets her know of her presence even before she comes face to face with her.

Rather,it was that of somebody else who had her blood boiling at the thoughts of the reasons why he was here in her room.

Probably,to continue from where the old hag stopped,that's it!


Standing up when she hears her name coming from that disgusting mouth of his, that does nothing but remain mute each time he's in the presence of the chairlady.

She saw red,and turned to face him,true to her imagination,it was nobody but the man whose death is  far going to give her immense happiness than that of the old hag.

Nobody but Axel Hamilton,her sperm donor!