Beginning of Clan Expansion

Thornir had built a giant stone keep on the hill which overlooked the ocean of Hardhone. Inside the keep was empty since Thornir needed to have the required materials to create something, for example in order to create a bed he would need the wood and fabric needed to build it.

As for the keep he used the stone and wood from the surrounding area to build it which was more than enough.

After building the keep Aranir and Stygard had started carrying their supplies from the ship to the keep which was a long journey so to make it short Thornir created a small wooden elevator that would start at the bottom of the cliff which the keep was on and would take the person directly to the keep.

Thorell was tasked with scouting the surrounding area in search for other clans and any wandering Wildling's looking for a safe place to stay.

Thornir would offer clans to join him in exchange he will be their King and will protect them, and they will have an obligation to protect the kingdom and the King.

If they don't accept then he will just have to force them by killing their clan leader and forcing them to join him and once they see the improvement of living under him, their opinion of him will slowly start to improve.

But that might not be necessary since the Wildling's respect the strong and all he has to do is prove that he is the strongest, and they will respect him.

This is one of the things that will make it easier for him to conquer lots of clans is because of his strength and because of how the wildling's view the strong.

So once he shows his strength naturally most clans will follow him, but there will be a few stubborn ones who don't follow his lead.


Thorell has been wandering around the forest for a while now and so far he has scouted 3 clans close to Hardhone. They were all small clans consisting of around 300-600 people.

After a few more minutes of wandering the forest he had heard some screams and weapons clashing from nearby which means that people were fighting, so he went in that direction while he had his hand on his sword ready to fight.

After a few minutes he had arrived at a small village that was being attacked by what he saw as the Thenns since they had some type of tattoo on their foreheads. He also came to this conclusion since he had heard from one of the other clans that he scouted that Thenn's had been attacking other clans as of late.

Thorell wasn't going to sit by and watch the Thenn's slaughter these people, so he unsheathed his sword and started sprinting towards the village.

Once he got close he saw many dead people who had tried to defend their families on the ground. Seeing this reminded Thorell of what happened to his village when he was just a child, but now he has the skills and power to save this village.

So he started running around the village killing any enemies that he saw while saving a few people who joined him and started fighting by his side.

After about half an hour of running around Thorell had about 20 people following him now as he fought off the Thenns with their help. They saved dozens of people but also lost a few people as well.

But it was worth it since now Thorell has acquired many new people that he can bring back to Thornir to live in Hardhone. Now that wasn't the main reason why he decided to help the village, but it was a great motivation factor.

Leaving that matter aside Thorell and the few people following him had finished killing the last Thenn's in the village. And now that they were dead Thorell had started talking with the village about living in a new village at Hardhone.

Hearing this the villagers looked at Thorell confused since for centuries Hardhone has been abandoned and no clans has settled there since it's been abandoned.

Thorell didn't know how to tell them that in just one day they built a castle where Hardhone was at, so instead he just asked them to trust him.

But nobody wanted to trust him even if he just saved their lives. They still didn't believe him since it just sounded too unbelievable.

So instead Thorell offered to take a group of people to see what he is talking about and if it is true they will join his village and his clan.

Most of the older people of the clan didn't believe him and just shrugged since they couldn't believe what he was saying.

So Thorell left with a group of villagers and headed towards Hardhone to see Thornir.

But what he didn't know is that he was being watched by a group of Thenn's who were hiding in the forest watching them.

They both decided that they needed to report this to their leader so one of them stayed to keep an eye on the group while the other returned to the Thenn main camp where their leader was at.

After about half an hour of walking he had arrived at a village where thousand's of Thenns were walking around.

He walked straight up to the main house in the village which housed the leader of the Thenn Clan Ragolf.

Ragolf saw that one of the men he sent to attack a village had returned, and he had awaited the good news.

But instead of good news he received bad news "Ragolf the men you sent to attack have been killed leaving only me and another person remaining who is watching the surviving members of the village as we speak"

Ragolf hearing that news his whole face expression changed from a stern expression to an angry one since no village so far has been able to stop them. Mainly because he attacked the smaller villages leaving the bigger villages and clan's alone for now.

Ragolf slammed his hands on the table in front of him" How were they killed and by who"

"We were attacked by one person who starting picking us off as we were separated in groups around the village and because of that some of the villagers who could fight started following this person until they wiped us out of the village leaving only me and another who were not in the village at the time"

"So you're telling me one person bested our men and saved this small village from being destroyed"

The man shook his head agreeing with what he just said

Ragolf couldn't believe it but still the fact remains that the village resisted him, so now he has to deal with it himself.

"I will go myself and see this person that saved the village and personally skin him alive" Yelled Ragolf

With that Ragolf gathered 200 men which was way more than he sent the first time and started heading for the village where the villagers were still waiting in the nearby forests.

Ragolf planned to massacre the remaining villagers and skin the one who saved them alive.