Thenn's attack again

After about an hour of walking Thorell had arrived in front of the keep with the group of villagers who were shocked since in front of them was a massive keep which looked to be in perfect condition.

While the group of wildlings villagers were shocked Aranir who had seen the group approaching had opened the wooden gates of the keep and walked out to meet with Thorell.

Thorell did the same and walked up to Aranir asking him where Thornir was at

"Yo Aranir where is Thornir" Asked Thorell

Aranir replied "He should be somewhere in the keep creating some wooden chairs and tables for us but the keep is so big I don't know here he is at specifically and have even gotten lost a few times"

"I was hoping he would be outside, so I can ask him should I allow this village to join our clan"

Hearing this Aranir peaked behind Thorell and saw the group of villager's still in awe of the keep looking like fools.

"Are these the only people you found" Asked Aranir

"No there is more probably about 100 or so whose village was just destroyed by the Thenn's, so I invited them to join our village and clan here at Hardhome, but they didn't believe that there was a safe place here since it has been abandoned for centuries, so I just bought a few of them to prove that I wasn't lying

And since I am here I wanted to see what Thornir would think about bringing this many people into the Clan at once" Explained Thorell

"I see you were right to do that since bringing in a lot of people at once could cause problems, but you don't need to worry about that since Thornir put me in charge of personally training and overseeing new people who join our clan to make them completely loyal to the clan and stronger

But it is a lot of people and training over 100 at once will prove to be difficult so what we will do is bring them all here and split them up into groups that will be training by me and Stygard and those that show great promise will be sent to train under Thornir himself" Explained Aranir

Hearing that last part Thorell smiled "So in a couple of years or so we will have stronger people in our clan which means more people to spar with" Thorell had a devilish smile just thinking about sparring with multiple people.

Aranir sighed since all Thorell wants to do is fight against strong people. And the reason why he didn't include Val, Dalla, Aranir, or Stygard in that was because they spar all the time, and he wants to fight other people of different cultures like he was doing in Essos.

And Thornir was out of the question since nobody could even beat him so sparring with him wouldn't bring him satisfaction since there was a major gap in their strength levels.

But back to Thorell who had finished talking with Aranir for a little before he went back to the group of villagers.

"So now do you believe me" Said Thorell asking the group

They didn't say anything and nodded their heads, but they all had the question in their mind of who could have built a keep this big.

"Well not that you have seen it, let's return to your clan and bring them back here to meet with my clan leader and maybe join us" Said Thorell as he started walking back in the direction that he came from.

But after 30 minutes of walking they had encountered small groups of villagers running their way.

One of the villagers had tripped and landed in front of Thorell. Thorell was confused on why this villager was running and was about to ask him, but the villager spoke first.

"Thank the gods I found you, please you must help our people they have been attacked by the Thenn's once again" Said the man begging Thorell

Thorell was surprised since he didn't think they would be back this soon as he only just left. And he wasn't the only one as the villagers that followed him thought the same.

"Did the villager's run" asked Thorell

"Yes we all ran in this direction but got split up because we came under attack by arrows which killed a few of us and those that couldn't run fast enough were captured by the Thenn's and placed in the village" The man was panicking as he recalled what he saw.

Thorell tried to calm him down a little but then two Thenn warriors who were chasing the villager had appeared in front of them causing the villager to panic again and hide behind Thorell.

The two men stopped in front of Thorell a few feet away with their axes in their hands while one of them had a bow. They looked at Thorell from head to toe and started smirking "Look here if you give us that person behind you plus your weapons and armor then we might let you go"

Thorell pulled out his sword and showed it to the two Thenn warriors "you mean this weapon that I will kill both of you with"

The two warriors stopped smirking after he said that and immediately attacked him from two sides. The villager's that were with him before had stepped back from the fight since they had no weapons to fight.

Thorell kicked the panicked villager from behind him since he was hindering his movements by holding onto him and blocked the attack coming from his right while the other one attacked from the left.

Seeing that his sword was locked into blocking the other attack the Thenn warrior on the left swung his axe thinking he would kill Thorell with this attack and take all of his weapons and armor.

Thorell who was unfazed and calm had raised his left arm to block the attack. The Thenn warrior on the left thought this was the end for him as he gripped his axe harder hoping to cut through his arm then when he was injured they could kill him.

But once the axe connected it didn't cut through his arm instead it sounded like it hit something but not his arm.

And he was right since what the axe hit was Thorell's arm armor made by the best armor smith in Qohor.

After blocking the one on the left Thorell used his sword and pushed the Thenn Warrior on the right weapon away causing him to fall.

Then he focused on the Thenn Warrior on the left by closing the distance between them and grabbing his wrist that held the axe. He lifted him off the ground using his strength and then kicked him into a nearby tree knocking him unconscious.

Then he went to turn around to face the other Thenn Warrior and was met with an arrow to his chest that luckily hit his armor and not the exposed area.

Thorell then rushed forward and swung at the Thenn warrior who pulled out his sword and blocked Thorell's attack.

But then he was kicked in his stomach and fell to the ground, and before he could get up a sword was shoved in his head killing him.

Thorell, who didn't even break a sweat, had removed his sword from the Thenn warrior head and swung in the air to the right to get rid of the blood that was on it.

Then he turned around to the villager's "Take both of their weapon's and tie that one by the tree up since I'm sure we can ask him some questions later and go back to the keep and tell them what's happening" Said Thorell as he ran in the direction of the village not even worried about the number of Thenn's.

The villager's didn't hesitate and did what Thorell asked as they were watching him run off to save their village once again.