Castle Black No More

Once Thornir arrived at the wall he didn't hold back at all. He dashed through enemy lines killing anybody that wasn't a freefolk. He even crushed some of the enemies heads with his bare hands showing just how angry he is.

Normally he wouldn't do something like this but right now he was kind of pissed off since his alone time with his son was interrupted which was the main thing and also the safety of his people who he has come to love over their numerous encounters.

He spent a ton of time interacting with his people and actually playing with some of the kids who enjoyed playing with him. So after a year and 6 months of spending time talking with various people of his city whether they were new or here from the beginning he formed a strong bond with his people.

And now those very people are under attack by men of the Night's watch. He even started to blame himself since the wall he created around the city wasn't as big as the wall of his keep, in fact one could simply climb over the wall of his city.

But that was only at nighttime when the amount of guards is low. For Thornir that is a major failure on his part since as a former soldier he knows that the best time to attack a place is at nighttime when the number of guards are relaxed.

This is what was going through Thornir's mind as he killed the men of the Night's watch.

The warriors that were already there at the frontline morale were already high since behind them were all of their families and friends and most of all the King and each warrior was ready to die in order to protect those things.

And when they saw Thornir fighting on the Frontline with them something ignited in them, making them push past their limits and fight even harder. Some of the warriors who never saw Thornir fight were worried since he didn't even have a weapon and instead was fighting with his hands.

But much to their surprise each punch of Thornir's that landed sent the enemy flying a few feet back and even sent one flying back over the wall landing on a few other Night's watch soldiers who were shooting arrows.

Seeing the King fight with such power without any weapon's motivated the warriors to fight harder.

While the men of the Night's Watch were in total horror right now as Thornir's face was filled with pure hatred at this moment and one look could kill 10 people if he so wanted to.

Some of the men even start calling him 'A Demon' or 'A Monster' causing fear to spread throughout the Frontline.

Thornir even though he was angry he could still think rationally and didn't lose all control over himself since if he did who knows what could happen to both the city and the people.

The Night's watch archers who were still shooting arrows over the wall hitting some of the warriors were causing enough damage already as now over 40 Warriors had died in a matter of minutes.

So Thornir walked up to the wall killing anybody that got in his way, then he proceeded to climb on top of the wall.

Now he was looking in the tree line where all the archers were shooting from. And with one wave of his hand the entire tree line where the archers were had all of a sudden caught on fire.

The Sounds of screaming could be heard as the Archer's were burned alive all the way to their bones. After a few seconds the screaming had died down and the treeline was now empty as Thornir even burned their bones leaving nothing to even recognize them.

He then jumped off the wall back into the city as he noticed two creatures approaching him. These two creatures were the wolves that he tamed earlier, and he could tell that they have been looking for him since he could see the blood dripping from their mouth showing that they killed any enemy that they came across.

Thornir put his hand down and started petting them, but there was no change in his expression as he didn't show any happiness nor was he sad instead he had a blank expression.

The wolves started to lick his hands from him petting them. After a few seconds he stopped before he whistled for them to follow him as he dashed back into fighting.

The Men of the Night's watch were not winning this fight and with the appearance of Stygard, Aranir, and Thorell the battle was already decided. Some of the Night's watch soldier's tried to retreat but Thornir wouldn't let them as he formed a wall of fire around the city to prevent any person from leaving.

So men of the Night's Watch thought they could just jump through the wall of fire by covering themselves up, but that didn't work since once they jumped through the wall their entire bodies down to the bones just simply vanished.

Seeing as there was no escape they all huddled together while the Freefolk warriors surrounded them on all sides, but they didn't attack instead they just stood there.

That's when Thornir appeared in front of them with his two wolves next to him "Seems there is still more remaining" said Thornir as he looked at the 15 remaining men of the Night's watch.

They already knew that there was no escaping this situation alive so the only choice they had was to fight for their lives.

But before they could even move to fight, Thornir wasn't standing in front of them anymore but behind them.

They didn't even get the chance to turn around before all 15 of their heads were separated from their bodies. Thornir then burned their bodies leaving nothing behind.

Seeing that the last of the men were killed the Free Folk warriors started to celebrate their victory. Hundreds of warriors all yelling and cheering was heard throughout the city as the people knew that they had won the battle.

They even started chanting Thornir's name since for the first time in centuries they have a king who both cares about them and has successfully protected them from the Night's Watch.

Those that perished in this battle Thornir would give them a proper burial and their names will be written down in the Hall of Heroes which is something that Thornir plans to build in order to honor those who die in battle fighting for him. But their bodies would be burned and their ashes given to the families.

He did this because this wouldn't be the first time they fight against the Night's watch, and it wouldn't be the last either.

Thornir had burned all the bodies of the dead men of the Night's watch to prevent them from being brought back to life by the White Walkers.

After that the entire city had celebrated their victory over the Night's Watch as songs were sung by people throughout the city and groups of people could be seen dancing.

But one person was missing from this celebration and that was Thornir who had immediately run towards the wall.

And Because of him using magic he made it there in minutes. Obviously he was spotted by the men on the walls who started to shoot arrows at him but because of his speed none of them hit.

Once he was face to face with the wall he tried to punch it, but it didn't budge. So he tried again and again and still the same result. It would seem that whatever magic the wall was reinforced with was powerful.

So Thornir instead started to run up the wall much to the surprise of the Archer's on the wall who just now started to alert the Lord Commander since this was beyond them.

It would take Thornir a few minutes to arrive at the top of the wall considering how tall it was which gave the Lord commander enough time to arrive at the wall and see the situation.

"Lord Commander what do we do it's just one person" Said one of the men

The Lord Commander looked down at the one person running up the wall and was shocked, but he knew that this strange person must not reach to the top.

"Drop Oil barrels on him to slow him down and at the same time I want all the Archer's on the wall to fire at him at the same time" Ordered The Lord Commander

The men on the wall immediately started to carry out the Lord Commander's order which only took them a few minutes.

"Sir Everything is ready" Shouted one of the men

"Release the oil barrels" Said the Lord commander as the Oil barrels were dropped from the wall and started falling down toward's Thornir.

"Archer's Loose" At the same time the Archer's released their arrows at the same time all traveling toward's Thornir.

Thornir had started to dodge the arrows and the Barrels while continuing running up the wall. He caught one of the barrels preventing it from exploding by freezing time around it and threw it back up at the top of the wall.

Seeing what was coming back up the Lord Commander's face changed to fear as he tried to run away as fast as he could, but the barrel reached the top before he got too far away and killed him and some Archer's.

The resulting explosion had alerted the rest of Castle Black of an attack as the bells started to ring around the castle and the men started to prepare.

Thornir had finally reached the top, but he didn't stay long as he jumped off the wall and into the center of the Castle. Before he hit the ground he used Wind magic to slow his fall.

Of course this didn't go unnoticed as the men of the Night's Watch surrounded him.

"Hey how the Hell did you get in here" Asked one of the men

"Yeah you savages belong beyond the wall so if you surrender we will return you where you belong" Said one of the men obviously lying

The men had completely ignored the fact that he just landed in the center of the Castle and instead started to call him all kinds of names and threaten him.

Thornir wasn't here to talk with anybody as his only purpose for this visit was to send a message, so he raised his foot a few inches off the ground before he stomped on the ground causing the surrounding ground to cave in as a massive whole formed around Thornir swallowing all the men and the entire castle.

After the entire Castle was destroyed along with the people inside of it Thornir restored the ground to normal while Castle Black was gone leaving only the ground and the elevator that took people from the ground up to the wall.

He did this because he wanted the people on the wall to tell others what happened here.

And now that Thornir destroyed Castle Black and killed everybody inside of it he returned to his city and joined in the celebration of their victory not even mentioning what he just did to Castle Black.