Earning the Giant's trust

Once Thornir walked into his city with the Giant's behind him a lot of people started to gather, especially the children since this was their first time seeing a Giant.

And while some heard rumors of Giant's living in caves near the Frost Fangs most didn't believe it but now those Giant's were standing right in front of them.

Though the kids were the most excited as they were all running around the Giant's legs chasing each other while their parents tried to run and grab them, but they were too fast.

The Giant's on the other hand even though they were quite shy they still couldn't believe what they saw.

First it was the massive walls that surrounded the city which looked like it took years to build then there is the actual city itself which is not like any city they have seen before.

Well it is the only city they have seen before, but anyway the Giants were now firm believers in what the Thornir told them and even started to trust him just a little since he didn't lie to them.

Also, the amount of people that they saw living in the city were a lot, and they could see how happy the people were instead of seeing struggling faces.

They think this because every time a person who is named the King beyond the wall gathers those that want to support them they encounter many problems of gathering such a large amount of people whether that's food, weapon's, and the amount of people who want to fight.

And with those problems they proceed to attack one of the castles on the end of the wall which includes either East Watch or shadow tower.

Naturally the previous King's beyond the wall didn't attack Castle Black because that was the most heavily defended Castle since it was the entrance to the North and the center of the wall.

And during those attacks many Free Folk died and the King beyond the wall was killed during the battle.

This is what happened to the last King beyond the wall about a hundred years ago. Thornir had learned this from some of the Elder's that lived in the city.

It was quite an interesting story since hearing how he is doing better than the previous King's beyond the wall means that he was at least doing some things right.

But back to the Giant's, Thornir had brought them to a place near the corner of the city a little ways away from the city. He did this because he knew that the Giants were still shy, and he wanted to give them time to adjust to living with people, so he won't scare them away or make them feel uncomfortable.

And naturally the Giant's houses were much bigger than the other houses in the city since the Giants were 10 ft to 14 ft tall.

For now, they didn't have any furniture inside the house because it would take some time for the people to make a bed big enough for all the Giant's.

But the Giant's didn't mind since they were used to sleeping on the floor in their cave.

Once all the Giant's had got settled into the house they came to talk to Thornir who was waiting outside talking to Stygard who came to see the Giant's.

Once the Giant's came outside Stygard started analyzing them as his face was in shock. This was the first time he saw a giant which was thought to be long extinct.

"Thornir is this real or am I dreaming right now" Said Stygard as he was staring at the Giant causing him to become a little shy from being stared at.

Thornir noticed this and stepped in front of Stygard to prevent the Giant from running off or something.

Thornir grabbed Stygard by the shoulder's getting his attention "The Giants are a little shy, and it doesn't help that you are staring at them" Explained Thornir

Stygard immediately stopped staring at the Giant and looked away since the Giant's just arrived, and he didn't want them to leave already.

Thornir turned to look at the Giant after getting Stygard to stop staring at him "So how do you like the little house I made for you all" Asked Thornir

"The House is big enough for all Giant's to live, so Giants are happy with little man for bringing us here and hope that the promise of food will also be true" Said the Giant since so far most of what Thornir promised them have come true besides the part with the food, but again they only just arrive in the city.

"Oh don't worry about the food I will have some of my people bring a lot for all of you" Said Thornir

The Giant smiled upon hearing that and continued to talk with Thornir and eventually Stygard once he got used to him.

A few minutes later the Chief of the Giant's had come outside the house to talk to Thornir.

"Little man this house is great for the Giant's and the city is nice and protected, so Giant's feel safe, so we will trust you" Said the Giant Chief.

"And since the Giant's trust you now I will share with you the location of the last clan's for the Giant's" said the Giant chief

In his head Thornir was celebrating upon hearing that but in reality he was just standing there with a smile on his face.

The time for the people behind the wall to unite is now so getting the last remaining Giant's to join his city will only bring great benefits to him and his city.

But Thornir didn't want to go now and instead waited a week since he had some other things to do first but after that week he followed the Giant chief to the location of the last remaining clan's of the Giant's.