After a week Thornir didn't wait any longer and went to gather the remaining Giants which were only 22 more. So in all he had around 30 Giants living in his city.
(A/N: I don't know the exact number of Giant's, but I know there were not a lot of them left, so I just made it 30)
It was really a shame that there were so little of them left. They were really close to becoming extinct which they were already known to be throughout the world, but give them a few more decades, and they might have been extinct.
But now that they joined Thornir they could survive and increase their population.
And of course similar to the first Giants to enter the city the new Giants that Thornir brought back were also in shock of the city in front of them and shy. Though some Giants were as shy and could quickly adapt to the new environment. With the Giants were 15 mammoths following them.
While walking through the city the Giants couldn't help but think that what the tiny man said about him being the King is definitely true. They kinda believed him when he showed up and kicked their asses in their own home mostly because they were forced to but now after seeing this massive city and how the people react to him, they couldn't help but believe him now.
After that Thornir took them to a special place in the city where the other Giants were living and showed them to their new homes. The Giants were surprised to see houses that they could actually fit in already built for them.
Thornir started to explain to them how they were free to walk around the city and explore as much as they want but also warned them that going outside the walls was dangerous because of the recent attack by the Night's Watch.
The Giants had a history with the Night's watch since most men in black that they come into contact with never get to see another day. And some of them have seen other Giants killed by men of the Night's watch, but they didn't let them get away and killed them.
Because of this the Night's watch never find out about the Giants and just assume that they were killed by the Wildlings. And those that did were branded as crazy since Giants are known to be extinct.
But leaving that matter aside Thornir had to create a place for the Mammoths to live since he forgot to build a place for them.
So he quickly created a large-sized stone building. It was large because the Mammoths were way bigger than horses or wolves. And it wasn't just a big stone house instead it had a large opening similar to a horse stable that people could walk inside without needing to open a door.
Inside the stone building the mammoths had a living area where they would sleep, eat, and mate. There was also a large chimney that would keep the inside warm but also not too hot.
The mammoths had taken a liking to their new home since it was warm, and they also had a lot of food to eat. They also felt safe and didn't feel threatened when kids would come to see them and would even play with them sometimes.
While the Giant's and Mammoths were getting adjusted to their new home 2 months had passed like nothing as the city of Hardhome continued to improve every day.
Thornir begin training some of the Giants who wanted to be trained by him, but there was a major difference in training them which was their body was much bigger than everyone else and all of their opponents would be people who were smaller than them.
So basically all they had to do was smash their opponents with their strength but still Thornir wanted to train them in fighting large groups of enemies since if they get surrounded then they will most likely die as he remembers from the show.
So he focused on a large group battle pitting one Giant against a group of Warriors. He did this for a few days before he switched it up making the Giants fight together since they will get better results from fighting together.
After a few days of team battles Thornir started to mix it up by pairing Giant's with groups of soldiers making them work as a team. At first their team work was horrible but after some time they will improve.
Thornir had them continue training in these three ways for a month a would continue to do so for the months to come.