Situation at the Wall

At the wall a party of 1k Northern men could be seen guarding the entrance of the wall that connected both sides. There were many tents set up indicating that they had made camp there and planned to stay for some time.

This North army was headed by none other than Ned Stark who came to see about the disappearance of Castle Black which could pose a major problem for the North should it be true.

And when he arrived here a few weeks ago he was shocked since not one piece of evidence was shown that a castle was even here to begin with.

He was completely confused and could only look to the Gods since he thought they were the only ones who were capable of this.

But there was a major problem since the Castle was gone and that was the possibility of the Wildlings being able to walk through the gate and into Northern Territory which was something that he did not want.

So he kept his army of 1k at the wall to prevent anybody from going through until the new Commander of the Night's Watch arrived to speak with him.

He knew that the Knight's Watch was in disarray since their main castle was suddenly gone along with the people and now that leaves only a few hundred of them left to garrison the wall which is not enough.

But since the civil war just ended the King of the Seven Kingdoms had a lot of prisoners meaning that he could send some of those to the wall to help garrison it.

Ned Stark knew this since he fought in the civil war, so he sent a messenger to his friend the King to try and get him to send some of those prisoner's to the Wall.

If that could happen then the Night's Watch would have a lot of people to garrison the castle's on the wall and to hopefully rebuild Castle Black.

Although that would take years to rebuild the castle because of the weather, instead they could at least get a small mini castle going just to defend the center of the wall from the Wildling's. And by Mini castle he was referring to just a small wooden encampment.

But Ned Stark was more curious about the Wildlings since none of them have tried to cross over the wall yet. The only explanation for this would be the Rumored City beyond the wall located at Hardhome which he has heard about from his vassals quite a lot.

Some of them even recommended going over there to destroy it since and the rumored King beyond the wall to prevent a future conflict.

But since they have just gotten out of a civil war Ned wanted to relax and rebuild the North since a needless war right now would cost too many lives.

And thinking about it, crossing over the wall and fighting the Wildlings was the job of the Night's Watch, not the North or any of their houses.

Ned was only here at the center of the wall because a castle disappeared which is a major problem especially since all the people that were in the castle also vanished. And unlike those of the other Kingdoms the Northern Lord's remember the true purpose of the Night's Watch.

Although the number might be few because of the current Generation of Lords, some still remember.

But leaving that matter aside Ned was only staying here until the Night's watch could send some men to take over but with the current situation that the Night's Watch is in it could take time.

So for now he would just sit back and wait, but he can only maintain his patience for so long.


Meanwhile, a few months later In Hardhome Thornir started to introduce some new things to improve how people work in the snow and how people get around.

One of those things was sleds pulled by wolves which would be used by the common people. But as for Thornir himself well he will get special treatment and use mammoths for transportation.

He also started tasking people to start making roads through the haunted forest between Hardhome and the Fist of the First men which was the second city that Thornir had built.

Currently, the city had a few thousand people mostly recently immigrated people so unlike Hardhome that had almost everybody working except those that literally couldn't due to some physical problems, The Fist of the First men looked more like how Hardhome did before Thornir started teaching people profession's.

But all of that would change soon since Thornir would visit the small town in a few weeks along with some other people to teach the people at the Fist of the First men some new profession's.

The next thing that Thornir introduced was igloos which would be built in the mountainous region for people to stop and warm up as they travel.

For now that was the only thing he started to create and would do more in the future but right now he wanted to spend time with his son and daughter.