A/N: So I am back to updating but unfortunately updates will be 1-2 chapters a week but should pick up in a few weeks depending on my circumstances But thanks for the continued support in this story and I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Thornir had gathered 20k warriors near the edge of the haunted forests to attack the Night's Watch at the Castle called Eastwatch-by-the-sea.
Thornir chose this place because it allowed him to attack from two ways, one from land and two by the sea. It would give him an advantage over the Night's Watch who already has the advantage since they are already prepared.
With Thornir were 5 Giants riding on their mammoths with giant steel greatswords in their hands. In front of the Giants were the 20k Warriors that Thornir brought with him. The rest of the warriors that he left would defend the edges of the Haunted forests from any intrusions from the Night's Watch.
Thornir didn't plan on losing too many warriors in this war and wanted to limit the casualties on his side as much as possible.
This war was caused by the Night's Watch who thought they could get away with trying to kill him. And as much as he knows that not all of the Night's Watch were like this he still didn't care since he had a Kingdom to maintain and he didn't want to show any weakness.
So while he attacked Eastwatch he had another army led by Aranir that would attack the main gate of the wall accompanied by both Val and Dalla who were their for magic support. Thornir expected the battle to be over with little to no losses.
A few hours later in front of Eastwatch stood the Free Folk Army of 20k warriors with Thornir standing in front of the army.
The person in charge of Eastwatch was Commander Cotter Pyke who was standing ontop the walls of the castle.
All the Archers were already aimed at the Wildling army and awaiting his command to fire on the Wildling army below him. He could see that this Wildling army was different since they actually had armor and proper clothes and weapons.
But like all Wildling armies they would be destroyed since the Night's Watch were superior. That would have been true a century ago but now things have changed and Commander Pyke would soon find out why.
As time went on the Wildling army just stood their in front of the castle not moving which made Commander Pyke patience grow thin as he wanted to draw them in closer before he attacked but if they just stand there then that won't happen.
The Archer's that were on the wall were veteran archers which have very good aim mixed in with some new recruits. So most of the arrows would hit their target but those that don't have the experience shooting long distances, their arrows would not make it far.
"Take Aim!" Yelled Commander Pyke as the Archers each raised their bow to point to the sky. They weren't going to use fire arrows this time since they didn't want to waste any since fire arrows would be the key to winning the battle.
Once all the archer's took aim Commander Pyke yelled "Loose!" as hundreds of arrows shot into the air.
Thornir who saw this had stood up while still on top of the mammoth and raised his hand. Commander Pyke saw this and thought he was an idiot but that's when he noticed something.
The arrows had stopped mid-air and started to turn around towards the wall. His Eyes went wide as he what he just saw was something that shouldn't be real.
Then just as he was about to issue a command the arrows came back towards the wall at an even faster speed than when his archer shot them.
He commanded his man to get down as he too took cover behind the wall. Moments later the arrows came raining down killing almost half of the archers on the wall and striking commander pyke in his arm.
The wall proved to be of no use to block the arrows as Commander Pyke grunted from the pain. "Damn what the hell was that" Said Commander Pyke as he stood up holding his arm which still had the arrow lodged into it.
He did take it out since if he did even he knows that he will bleed out right now. He looked around the wall and seen a lot of people struggling to get up and he heard a lot of screaming from those that were hit.
He then looked over the wall to see the Wildling army charging at the Castle.
"Archer get ready to fire again and have some men get take the injured while we hold them off" Ordered Commander Pyke. While he knew that whatever the enemy did had demoralized them he still had a job to do and failure was not an option.
He unsheathed his sword with his right hand preparing to repel the attack on the wall while his other arm which had the arrow in it was useless for now.
But when he turned around he was met with a surprise as his throat was grabbed by someone causing him to drop his sword. He struggled to fight back as his bodies first instinct is to try and find a way to breathe again.
But the hand that had his throat was much stronger than him and after a few seconds he passed out unconscious on the floor.
Standing over him Thornir had looked in front of him as some of the archers had already found him and was coming to fight him so he drew his sword and prepared to fight.
"I guess this will be an easy Battle" uttered Thornir as he charged towards the archers that were coming after him.