What some will describe as a Nightmare, Thornir see's it as a due punishment for what the Night's Watch did. He may have not have been around for the generational massacre of the past Wildlings but now that he is here he will not allow history to repeat itself.
A few centuries from now people will look back on this year and wonder why such a massive war happened over something that could have been settled using diplomacy.
Well Thornir would disagree since he sees war as just aggressive negotiations and allowing the Night's Watch to get away with something like trying to kill him was not something that needed to be negotiated.
After the battle of East Watch which didn't last long as most of the Night's Watch were killed with only a few being taken prisoner, Thornir had left a garrison of 1000 Warriors to guard the castle as he pushed on towards the other castles on the wall.
The other army which was assaulting the Main gate of the wall which connected to Castle Black had achieved it's victory and had now occupied the Castle which was now filled hundreds of dead bodies of the Night's Watch soldiers.
It was a major victory for Thornir and the Wildlings and a major blow to the Night's Watch morale since they had just lost two key positions but most of all they lost Castle Black.
But it wasn't without some reward as the resilient Night's Watch members had managed to kill over 4000 Wildlings in the battle making it the deadliest battle of the War so far.
Because of this the army would stay at Castle Black and fortify their position to defend against any attacks from either the Night's Watch or outsider's.
So for the next few months Castle Black would be held by the Wildlings while Thornir attack the other castles on the wall, some of which were not even manned.
And by this time news of Castle Black falling had reached Kingslanding which didn't warrant a good response from Robert Baratheon.
He ordered an army of 40k men to be assembled to go and retake Castle Black and to put an end to the savages beyond the wall.
This announcement was a surprise to some lords who didn't want to send their soldiers to die in a frozen place so far from home.
Some had already protested to the announcement but the decision was already made and they couldn't change it.
To lead this army Robert Baratheon had chosen his father in law Lord Tywin Lannister. He didn't see the need for himself to personally go to the Far North where it was cold during this time.
He wouldn't have even made the decision to send an army but he was told by his Hand Jon Arryn that allowing Castle Black to remain in the hands of the Wildlings beyond the wall will only further encourage them to take more.
So stopping them now would be the best option since allowing the Night's Watch to be destroyed or beaten would allow the savages to raid beyond the wall and into the North or possibly the rest of Westeros.
So stopping the threat before it becomes too big was what Jon Arryn proposed the King to do. And Robert without much thinking about it decided to go forward with that plan.
And so in a few months the Royal Army will march on towards the North to deal with this situation.