Enough is Enough

The two messenger's from both sides had approached each other. The first to talk was the Messenger from the Royal Army's side.

"By order of his Majesty the King of the Seven Kingdom's you wildling's must leave this Castle and return to beyond the wall or we will attack this Castle and kill everyone in it" Said the Messenger as he was just relaying the King's Command to these savages who he didn't know understood him or not.

But the Free folk have been taught to speak in the common tongue even before Thornir took them over. And after he took over he emphasized the need for them to learn it.

The Messenger from the Free Folk side upon hearing the Enemy messenger call him a wildling had to hold back his anger since as a warrior under his King he must show the upmost respect to those during negotiation's.

"My King, his highness Thornir will not leave Castle Black nor stop our war against the Night's Watch, and so he states that any and all armies that try to intervene shall be stopped in their tracks by force and all the soldier's will either be killed or taken prisoner" Stated the Free Folk Messenger

The Royal army messenger didn't know why he was even talking to this savage when they could just attack now and kill all of the wildling's inside the castle.

"His Majesty will not accept such decisions especially from savages such as yourselves so return to your 'Pathetic King' and prepare to die savage" Said the messenger as he turned around and rode away on his horse.

The Free folk messenger wanted to ride after and kill the enemy messenger but he was trained to be better then the enemy who throws insults around. Instead he will let his fighting ability on the battlefield prove his resolve.

So instead of allowing his anger to take over he also turned around and returned to the Castle to inform his Highness Thornir of what has transpired during the negotiations.

Once the messenger returned he had told Thornir what had happened during the meeting and all of the things that was said between the two.

Thornir hearing the things that were said thought that he had atleast improved the world's view of the Free Folk, but it appears that he thought wrong.

'It seems that only way is for more people to die' Thought Thornir as he rose to his feet.

"Prepare the army for battle, we are not going to sit here and let the enemy come to us, instead let's show them that we are more stronger than they are and show no mercy to anyone" Said Thornir as the warriors around him started to cheer and shout his name.

Thornir didn't know who was in this army nor did he care.

Since he became King he has been receiving nothing but insults from his enemies, but it wasn't just insults that two enemies shout at each other instead it was directed at all the people under him and his family.

Calling the Free Folk savages was the equivalent of calling his children savages as well and that was something that he won't tolerate from anybody no matter if they were a king or a God.

And seeing that it was a mere messenger that was speaking like this just reflects on the King's ability to control and train their soldier's.

As Thornir headed to the gate's of Castle Black his thought's went wild as he couldn't get the word savage out of his mind.

He had heard it too many times and now he had finally heard enough.

But instead of losing control Thornir was going to use this anger against the Royal army and on this day, this battle, against this army he shall forever make the world know that the Free Folk are savages no more.