The Battle between the Royal Army and the Free Folk

The Royal army which was preparing it's siege equipment to take the Castle was not surprised when the Free Folk came out to fight in the open field.

Jaime Lannister seeing this only shook his head since savages will always behave the same way no matter their leader or the circumstances.

If they had just stayed in their Castle they may have put up a good fight but out here in the open field where the Royal army's cavalry can just run them over they will not put up much resistance.

Jaime had predicted a lot of things about what was about to happen. First the cavalry will charge out at the Wildlings and then they will charge back or try to block the cavalry with their weak weapon's.

Then after the first charge their lines will be broken which will allow the Royal army to just charge at them and slaughter the lot of them without losing too many men.

That was the plan that he had thought out and how he saw the battle going.

But once the battle started and the cavalry charged they had ran into a problem.

All of the cavalry looked to be running into some sort of invisible wall causing the horses and the rider's to get hurt.

The cavalry couldn't get nowhere near the enemy army while the Free Folk continued to advance.

The Royal army or more specifically Jaime was looking at the battle with a horrible expression at this point since he had heard the numerous rumors about the Free Folk army being able to use strange powers to win their battle but he didn't believe it since it was all just a myth spread from scared soldier's who lost against some savages.

But seeing it in person he became a firm believer in the myth. Even the soldier's beside him were shaking upon seeing that since if their cavalry can't get in close then the battle will be much harder for them and easier for the enemy who are known to be wild fighter's when it comes to close range.

Jaime was looking as the army was approaching before he heard a lot sound coming from the castle.

He looked behind the Wildling army and to see what it was but in the next moment he was blown off of his horse by some type of explosion.

The Horse had started panicking and running away from the sound trampling some of the soldier's in it's path.

Thornir upon seeing this ordered his warriors to charge with him leading it.

The Royal army had already fixed their lines and prepared to face the charge head on.

Thornir who was in the front was the first one to reach the frontline, running into it causing some of the soldier's to fly back and opening up a gap in the formation.

The rest of his warriors clashed with the frontline even pushing it back some as the strength and rage of the Free Folk warriors had strengthened their resolve causing them to be even more aggressive then before.

But the Royal army was holding on halting the Free Folk only for a few minutes before the Free Folk took the advantage.

Jaime Lannister who had fell off of his horse was amidst the Frontlines fighting. And what he thought would be an easy battle had turned into a struggle for survival.

Every Wildling that he fought had actually caused him to get serious about the fight and had almost managed to kill him if not for his fighting ability.

He had even taken a few scratches here and there that limited his movement. But he was too deep into the battle now to stop so all he could do was to just fight for survival.

Thornir on the other hand was destroying every soldier that got in his way, even a few lords as well. His warriors wanted to follow his lead but Thornir was just to deep into the enemy formation's.

The Royal army soldier's tried to surround him to stop him but every time they did they were killed. And those that managed to land a hit on him saw that the wound that he received was getting healed.

They didn't even have the time to think about what just happened before they were killed.

As for Thornir he was just cruising through the enemy formation protected by his magic causing chaos in the enemy formations.

The Lord's who were still alive had seen this and none of them wanted to fight Thornir since if they did then their fate was sealed and they would die and early death.

King Robert who had seen Thornir cutting down his soldier's also wanted to join in the fight so he grabbed his sword and rushed towards Thornir much to the protests of the Lord's under him.

As he rushed towards Thornir a group of Kings guard had began to clear the way for him and protect their King from any enemy.

Eventually they came upon Thornir who only stopped in front of them.

King Robert had a smile appear on his face "I see that you are a very much so capable warrior and you are causing too much problems so I have come to put a stop to that" Said King Robert as he raised his sword and charged at Thornir.

As he did this so did the Kingsguard who joined in the attack against Thornir.

Thornir only stood their as he watched these small pebbles no insects run at him thinking that they could actually stop him.

So in just one swing he killed all the Kingsguard leaving only Robert to fight him alone.

"King Robert I shall let you live for a few more minutes, until then do show me that resolve of yours and if it's small then you didn't come prepared for this battle" Stated Thornir

Robert became infuriated at this and charged at Thornir hoping to kill him quickly so that he can finish this battle and teach these savages a lesson.

But after a few swing's which were blocked Robert's expression started to change since all of his attacks were blocked.

No matter what type of direction that he attacked all them were blocked by Thornir. And just like that King Robert's time was up.

"Well it that was more disappointing then I thought, but your time is up" Said Thornir as he grabbed King Robert's sword with his bare hand and breaking it like it was paper.

King Robert didn't even have time to process what even happened before his head was separated from his head and his lifeless body fell to the ground still gripping the broken sword.

Upon seeing this the Royal army had lost all hope upon seeing their King dead and the Lord's had signaled the retreat.

Jaime had managed to survive the battle and was being carried by 4 other Royal soldier's because of his wounds. The entire army turned around and ran away from the battle.

The Free Folk warriors still pursued them killing those that couldn't run as fast as the other's. Thornir didn't stop his soldiers and watched as the Royal army was hunted down.

Of course his warriors had self control so they didn't chase the army all the way back to Winterfell instead they returned to Castle Black to celebrate their victory over the Royal Army.

Thornir didn't return to celebrate their victory instead he went to Hardhome where they Royal Navy was going to attack.

After he defeats them then the Royal army will have been defeated and the power of the Free Folk will be known throughout the world.