The Crownlands all Alone

All throughout Kingslanding massive unrest was causing problems for Joffrey as the news about him being the child of incest was spreading throughout the Kingdom.

And now that there was 3 different people claiming to be the King of the Seven Kingdoms it caused a lot of confusion for the people of Kingslanding and it created chaos.

Lord Tywin the Hand of the King had his army assemble near Casterly Rock to march to Kingslanding and reinforce the Defenses.

He was also looking to remarry Queen Cersei to gain an alliance with another great house so that they can beat back the other claimants. But the problem was who could he get an alliance with.

In the North, Lord Eddard Stark has been proclaimed King in the North after hearing about Joffrey not being the legitimate heir. The Northern Lords along with the now King Eddard Stark had gotten together and made the decision to separate from the Iron Throne.

They didn't assemble an army to attack since their goal wasn't the Iron Throne but just their independence which they wanted to maintain.

The Reach had already supported Renly by marrying him to Lord Mace Tyrell's daughter, Margaery Tyrell. And they had already assembled a great army of 60k soldiers at Storm's End.

Many named Knights and mercenaries had joined this army to gain glory for when they march on Kingslanding.

As for the Dorne they had agreed to marry Princess Myrcella Baratheon but soon after she left Kingslanding they had called their banners to defend their borders and they didn't send any troops to Kingslanding.

House Lannister combined with the other Lords who remained Loyal to King Joffrey had assembled their men at Kingslanding numbering 40k which was less than what King Renly had.

Stannis Baratheon had a Total of 40k soldier's as well which was the same number as what King Joffrey had.

This was why Stannis was looking to take out his brother first so that he can get some of his men and use them in his assault on Kingslanding to get take his place on the Iron Throne.

Meanwhile Thornir was sitting inside of his room holding three eggs in his hand with Viserys and Daenerys standing next to him. In front of him kneeling was a prisoner from Essos who was a very important Merchant to the Iron Bank.

These three Dragon eggs were attained by his agents in Essos, and now that he has attained them he can live out the ultimate dream of riding a Dragon into battle.

Viserys who was standing next to him has been changed over these last 4 years. Thornir originally thought that it would take at least a decade to change the way that Viserys act but in fact it only took 2 years.

In the first year Thornir had put him through a mock version of Military boot camp forcing him to wake up at a certain time, eat certain foods and learn certain things.

Thornir had handled the physical and mental part of the re-education while the learning part was taken care of by Val.

Val ever since after the battle between the Royal army and the Free Folk has had the liberty to read lot's of books and learn about the history of both the Continents of Westeros and Essos.

She had become quite knowledgeable and as such she was chosen to teach Viserys about the History of both the Continents.

Viserys had learned a lot of useful knowledge that would help him once he is the King and he has attained a lot of skills in combat.

No longer is he the deranged man who would sale out his sister just for the Throne but now he has the Aura of a Fighter and a Leader.

But still he must prove that he is ready for the Throne first. And to do that Thornir planned to send him to first take down the Iron Bank and prove that these 4 years of training was not for nothing.

After eliminating the Iron Bank then Thornir will announce to the world of the return of the Targaryen dynasty and plan to install them on the Iron Throne to stabilize Westeros and because he didn't want to burden of having to deal with taking over the Seven Kingdoms.

If he did that then he wouldn't have time to play with his children that he loved so dearly or spend quality time with his wives.

But first he planned to hatch the three Dragon eggs in front of him.

He put his hand out as the eggs were engulfed in fire. After that he cut his finger a little and allowed his blood to drop on the eggs.

In mere seconds the eggs had changed color and they started to crack. So Thornir walked through the fire and placed his hand on top of one of the eggs as he felt the life of the baby dragon inside.

He poured some of his magic in so that he can imprint the Dragons and also tame them. After pouring just a little magic inside of all three eggs they had cracked even more.

The fire had gotten brighter causing both Viserys and Daenerys to look away.

In the next moment the eggs fully cracked showing the three baby dragons who felt a familiar presence next to them.

Thornir had picked them all up as they began to crawl all over him. He then snapped his fingers causing the fire to go away.

Viserys and Daenerys had looked up and seen the three dragons crawling over Thornir while attempting to spit fire out of their mouths.

"Look Brother actual dragons" Said Daenerys as she had stars in her eyes.

"I can't believe it, living and breathing dragons are right in front of me" Said Viserys.

"Come on you two come and take a closer look at them yourselves" Said Thornir as Viserys and Daenerys walked closer to see the baby dragons.

Thornir himself although he appeared to show no emotions he was in fact the most happy out of all of them since he will be able to fly on the dragons throughout the world.

Just as Daenerys was called the Mother of Dragons in the series he could be called the Father of Dragons.