After the birth of the three Dragons Thornir assembled the army and had Viserys be the Commander of the army while Stygard will be the observer.
This was the first time that Viserys would be leading an army and Thornir didn't want to send him by himself because no matter how much training you get nothing can compare to real world experience.
Also Thornir has rearranged his Court and appointed people to new positions. First Stygard has been named the Supreme Marshal of the Free Folk Army. The soldier's and people under him address him as Lord Marshal.
He Leads and organizes all of the Armies of the Free Folk Kingdom and makes sure that proper supply lines are set up and such. He also participates in battle since his job is mainly for war purposes.
Val has been named the Supreme Commander of the Free Folk Navy and will try to maintain sea superiority during times of war and will work with the other people in court to keep the supply lines active and safe.
Aranir has been named Chancellor for the Free Folk Kingdom and will handle the administrative side of things for the Kingdom. He has capable people working under him as apprentices so if he needs to he can also command an army and fight.
Dalla has been named the Spy Master, in charge of all the Kingdom's spy networks abroad and for keeping enemy spies from getting in.
Some of the smaller positions such as Lord of Laws who makes sure that all laws passed by the King are followed was given to people who proved themselves and had passed a test that proved both their loyalty and knowledge.
And now Thornir has assembled a mighty army of 20k warriors ready to go and destroy the Iron Bank and occupy it.
Not only would he kill anybody and everybody inside of the Iron Bank but he will control it so that all of the wealth that is there will be his.
He didn't care what the other free cities thought or what they would do if he did this. It was time for him to start spreading his influence throughout the world and that time would start here.
At the port of Hardhome there was a massive fleet of ship's with cannons on the inside the ship facing outside the sides of the ship.
Then their were unarmed ships whose sole purpose was just to carry warriors. These were the most powerful ships that Thornir had his Kingdom build and they also strongly resembled those from his world during the age when the New world was discovered.
These ship's had not been seen by other nation's yet since he didn't send them out on mission's and instead just used the older ships since he didn't want to reveal to the world the fact that he had even more powerful ship's that could threaten any city on the Coastline.
But now he was planning to show the world his power.
The fleet was already assembled at the port and the troops were in the process of loading. At the docks Thornir was having a talk with Viserys and Stygard.
"I want them utterly destroyed, leave no one alive in that place is that understood" Said Thornir looking at Viserys who stiffened up a little bit from his voice.
"Yes your highness I will utilize all the training that you and lady Val have taught me and bring victory to the Free Folk Kingdom" Said Viserys as he felt proud at what was about to happen.
He would lead his first army to victory against the Iron Bank and his name will spread throughout the world.
"Good. And Stygard make sure to watch over him and don't let him make any drastic decisions that will cost the lives of the Free Folk warriors" Said Thornir now talking to Stygard.
"Relax Thornir I think he will do fine" Said Stygard. Although this manner of speaking to a King was not acceptable in the seven Kingdoms, Stygard was a close friend and was apart of his Clan so he could drop the formalities with Thornir.
"Good. Then I wish you both luck and remember that I don't want you to return if you fail" Said Thornir as he and Stygard gave each other a manly hug.
"Now if you would excuse me I will head back to warmth of the Palace" Thornir turned around and walked back to the Palace with his escort detail behind him.
Stygard looked at Viserys and said "Come on Viserys we have a battle to win which will boost our fame and cause the woman to be all over us" Said Stygard as he wrapped his hand around Viserys and started walking towards their ship.
"Lord Stygard how many wives do you have now" asked Viserys since he was used to this talk from his previous encounter's with Stygard during his training.
"I have about 3 but my goal is to get three more and form a massive family that will live on for generations" Said Stygard
"But how will that happen if you won't even let other boys get close to you daughter" Questioned Viserys as he sighed
Stygard balled his fist "Those boys all they want to do is gawk at my little angel all day because of her beauty. But I won't allow anyone to take her away from me" Said Stygard
Viserys didn't even try to argue back he just sighed as they walked to their ship.
Within the next two hours the fleet was ready and had departed for the Iron Bank.