After a few days the Fleet had arrived at the Sea next to the Iron Bank. All the ships were lined up with their cannons facing the direction of the Iron Bank which was located in Braavos.
Before they set off Viserys was already told by Thornir that by doing this they would potentially make an enemy out of the entirety of the Free Cities.
Viserys had asked why they were doing this and Thornir only answered "Why not"
Viserys couldn't come up with a good excuse since the Free Folk Kingdom was already self reliant and didn't need outside trade or help.
And making the trip to the Free Folk Kingdom territory would require a long voyage and even then they didn't have the means to compete with the Weapons that the Free Folk Kingdom had.
The Free Folk Kingdom could only be invaded by the Sea unless the enemy came from the Kingdom of the North, but even then attacking the Wall was now a death trap for any army since it was well manned by the Free Folk Kingdom.
Thornir had made his Kingdom completely safe from outside attacks besides the city of Icedale which could be attacked since it was on the other side of the wall.
But even then he had lot's of defenses set up to resist an invasion of Icedale.
Viserys would never ask Jarvis about his plans without first thinking about the consequences of the plans and how those consequences would be stopped and or prevented.
But anyways back to the Iron Bank. Viserys already had the ship's aim at the Iron Bank, and once they were done he unleashed hell upon the Iron Bank.
The loud thundering of Cannons had shocked the people of Braavos who didn't know what was going on since the sun was out so their shouldn't be any thunderstorms.
Some people even thought it was the gods who were mad.
In the end once the Cannons had landed where the Iron Bank was people finally understood what was going on.
Strange explosions had started happening as the walls of the Iron Bank was blown open. The surrounding area wasn't left alone as the collateral damage from the bombardment had destroyed some buildings around the Iron Bank.
People were running away from the explosions but still they were too close and was hit by an explosion.
It should be know that not every cannon shot was 100% accurate so their was bound to be some collateral damage that occurred during the bombardment.
Viserys had to make that choice as the Commander of this army and fleet he needed to face the consequences of what would happen once the bombardment started and he did.
Stygard who was standing next to him shook his head at the way that Viserys handled himself. Because not only was this a test but it was also to see how exactly Viserys would handle the stress of War whether that be through anger or through using his head to think about his actions.
When people are under stress they tend to revert back to what their body felt comfortable with the most and Thornir wanted to know whether or not Viserys would use what he was taught or if he would revert back to using his anger.
At the Sea Lord's Palace he was currently ordering his First Sword around "Take a fleet and go sink every ship that those strange weapons are coming from" Ordered Sea Lord Ferrego Antaryon
His first sword left the Palace in a hurry while he looked outside of his Palace window which let him see the destruction that being caused by whatever fleet was shooting at his City.
He already had the cities Guards evacuating people out of that area and once that is done then he will deal with whoever attacked Braavos.
The Iron bank which looked completely different from before was still standing up and hadn't collapsed yet.
So Viserys sent in the army "Send in the landing ship's and make sure no ship's get close to fleet" Ordered Viserys as cheers erupted on every ship of the fleet.
The Transport ship's including Viserys had headed for the Titan of Braavos where they will have to enter to get to the Iron Bank.
The Free Folk fleet had shifted to escort the transport ships since they will have to block off access to the Titan of Braavos from any outside help.
After a few minutes of travelling they had arrived at the Titan of Braavos and was met with a ton of Arrows that were shot from the statue.
The warriors on top of the transport ships had put their shields up to block the arrows. The escort ship's had all aimed at the Statue and fire the cannons at the legs of the Statue.
The Legs which were attached to parts of the mountain had collapsed after a few cannon shots causing the Titan of Braavos the symbol of the city to fall down into the sea.
It had fell backwards into the ocean. Luckily the water was deep enough so that the ship's can still sail through and get to Braavos.
The First Sword of Braavos who had just embarked with his fleet had just witnessed this scene of the Titan Of Braavos falling down into the water.
And from the entrance he saw enemy ships sailing through the entrance.
"Get us close and stop them at all costs, and have the catapults fire everything we have" Ordered the First Sword as the sweat dripped down his face showing the fear that was in his eyes.
The enemy ships were way too fast for him to stop them as they kept coming in.
Soon enough the enemy ships had turned their sides too him which for some reason made his hairs stand up on his body trying to warn him of the danger.
But that warning wasn't enough as in the next moment a loud thundering sound was heard and the First Sword had died.