chapter: 4 historical drama

• 3rd person. •

In the imperial throne room, people in noble and expensive clothes can be seen kneeling perfectly in a line form while hundreds of servant and soldiers do the same as they did in the back before an old man in all white cloth suddenly walk in front then kneel.

" I greet his imperial majesty the emperor," he exclaims, while quin lou who is on the throne look at the man With a chilling glare.

" How is consort yang doing physician wuan. " quin said before a hawk glided down and land on the armrest of the throne. { the hawk is amin who transforms herself into a bird. }

" concubine yang is doing fine your majesty but... " wuan said and just cut the end sentence.

" but what? " I said confused.

" concubine yang might be infertility because of an unknown poison. " wuan said, leaving the grand duke who is the father of the consort stunned whose tears were about to burst out but he just controlled his emotion.

while the other nobles are feeling happy giving their daughters a chance to sit on the Empress's throne and give birth to the future heir.

" What! are you making fun of me physician wuan . " quin said dead serious making physician wuan flinch in terror.

" your Majesty. " wuan shutters in panic.

looking at the physician, quin just sigh lightly still irritated before she dismisses all the nobles in the huge room, leaving her in the room with other servants and soldiers.

[ reporting host, the hero is now trying his best to have an ally making it difficult for him to find an high status person. ] amin reported in a serious tone.

" I understand amin, also spy on him 24/7 with consort yang alright. " quin said to amin before she stand up and walk out with other servants and soldiers on her back.

[ copy host. ] amin said before she flap her wings and collide in the air flying above quin's head.

while in the dark and smoking room a young woman can be seen in the shadow since it's dark to see her beauty can not be seen, then a man in black suddenly pops out of nowhere kneeling on one knee in the back of the woman.

" young miss the plan had accomplished perfectly no witness nor spy, the empress throne will be yours very soon. " the unknown man said after hearing it the woman then laughed like a madman.

" HAHAHA! I don't even need to dirty my hand for such a risky task, well-done Lua you really did a very splendid job. " the woman said while patting the man named Lua like a pet.

" Anything for you young lady. " Lua said accepting the affection his master give.

• back to quin pov •

back to my chamber I then see five elite soldiers line up on the front door before they kneel seeing me, I just dismiss them and they just nod before walking their way out and continuing their patrol earlier, stepping inside my chamber I then see consort yang in the bed sleeping comfortably walking my way to her she does look beautiful In person but also strong and brave while in the modern era just a few women are strong brave and confident.

I'm so glad someone like her loved and treasure the emperor more than anybody else.

after that, I then move my way to the wooden chair in front of me before getting a book for me to read, sitting down I then enjoy my time reading a romance novel before I fell asleep not realizing it.

• yang pov •

opening my eyes slightly I then groaned annoyed by the sun's light before *BAAM* something suddenly fell making me look where it came from, turning my head I then see his majesty...sleeping in the chair near the bed, looking at him sure make my heart fluttered.

then quin groans making yang startle putting herself in the bed while pretending to sleep.

[ good morning host. ] amin said cheerfully.

" yeah morning. " I said tired and just decided to get up.

" amin what time is it? " I ask walking my way to consort yang that is pretending to sleep, well I just realised it when I feel someone creepingly looking at me.

[ it is now 7 in the morning host. ] amin report.

" thank you amin. " I mumble before taking the same bell and ringing it.

then just a second of waiting maids enter then kneel.

" We greet the Imperial Majesty. " they all said.

I then looked at them in silence before I wave my hand.

" ready the food for consort yang to eat. " I said and they just bowed, then I leave my chamber and make my way to the other room.

while in the emperor's chamber yang then sit up straight when the food got prepared one by one, just then a maidservant walked towards her and bowed.

" good morning concubine yang your breakfast is ready. " the maid said before walking away.

yang then stand up and walk towards the table before she noticed two people worth of food.

looking at the food her veins then pop out because of anger.

" do this cold ass emperor think I'm a gluttony. " yang thinks pissed because of the emperor.

then the door just opens without a knock and presents the leader of this empire.

looking at him I was stunned by his sudden arrival.

" good morning consort yang, please eat or the food might get cold. " quin said before seating on the chair, then looked at the concubine waiting for her to seat.

looking at the emperor, yang is confused by the sudden action of his majesty, for a while she thought of running out of the room but her body just moves and sits on the table chair.

and after she sat down the emperor then started to eat minding his own business, while yang is hesitant before giving up and eating together with the emperor.

while on the mountain the ml now started his training, waiting for the right time to start his future plans.