Chapter: 5 historical drama

[ 5 years later. ]

in this past year, concubine yang and the emperor had now a strong bond that surprised everybody in the palace since the emperor's attention is only given to yang even if the consort is fertility, and little did they know that amin and quin had already cure that disease that stops the birth a long time ago making it look like no one knows.

while the hero is trying his best to make a strong bond with other powerful families across the other empire but in the end, he only got sabotaged by his allies and now in the past four years, he only got an assassin, trader, merchants and five major mid-level powerful households in the south-west empire.

[ yang pov ]

" yang dear let me help you. " a person in front of me pleaded, looking at my beloved I just smile and give my hand to him.

" I appreciate it, your majesty. " I said letting him help me get down on the carriage.

this past year when I heard the news that I will not be able to give birth I suddenly break down for a very long time but the emperor unexpectedly visited me in my chamber every day and all of his excuses is looking for my health and when I heard that it makes me feel happy, while all the consort in the harem suddenly pretending to feel sick because of the sudden action of his majesty.

he even accompanies me to breakfast to dinner and at the night he will check on me, I even notice that he will just sleep on the top of my chamber, I don't even want to know why he is staying there so when the year past I just give up and let him sleep with me and just like that we now sleep together in one chamber and now today I will visit father and mother in the estate.

after I feel the concrete floor the huge entrance door then opened presenting a well-mannered servant after they saw me and his Majesty they then kneel.

" We greet the young mistress and his Imperial Majesty the emperor. " all servants said before a couple walk out after they are now in the front the couple just looked shocked seeing the person towards me and just compose themselves and bow their head

" I greet his majesty the emperor. " my father said greeting the person in front of him.

" duke yang no need to bow we are inlaws after all. " said his Majesty.

" your majesty I would rather kill myself willingly than talking such a disrespectful manner. " my father said with a serious tone which surprise me a bit.

" if you insist, duke feels free. " quin said, hearing it the duke just nod and escort us inside the estate.

inside the mansion mom and dad then excuse themself before walking away, just then a person suddenly leeches onto my neck making me hard to breathe, and I just whine slightly.

" yang your back. " a women's voice shout in my ear, hearing it I unexpectedly recognised the voice it is my cousin jin yuo the daughter of my aunt on my father's side.

then a second passed by I was about to tap out on her grip that wanted to kill me when suddenly a warm embrace pull me making the hard grip lose.

" young lady, can you please don't go to other's personal spaces. " my beloved explained with a cold and chilling voice.

" uhh... so..sorry...tha..ple...please punish me for my manner your imperial majesty. " jin yuo said kneeling on the floor while her face is turning pale.

" you are forgiven young lady but if this happens again.....I can't imagine what I'm gonna do to you. " the emperor said before turning away with the concubine.

" you tell the duke that I and my consort will have rest and also deliver the dinner in our chamber. " the emperor again said continuing his walk with yang.

while jin yuo who witness this feels bitter and bites her finger hard that it bleeds.

" Just you wait my foolish cousin, in the very end of this story the emperor will be mine. " jin yuo whisper in her mouth before walking away out of the mansion.

after walking for a while I and his majesty finally arrive then opened the door and let ourselves home.

" yang are you alright. " the concerned emperor said while helping yang sit down on a nearby chair.

" no need to worry your majesty this concubine of yours is alright. " yang said smiling while the emperor looked at the consort just smiling slightly giving an intense bitterness.

" if you say so dear... " I say silently like a whisper.

after hearing it yang just hummed and hug the emperor to her chest.

" thank you for your understanding your Majesty. " the female said before kissing quin on the forehead after a door knock making quin turn her head around.

" come in. " she announced, and then five maids who had food on their trays stepped in and put the dishes on the table one by one.

" Enjoy your food Mistress and your majesty. " the maids said while bowing before stepping out and closing the door silently.

looking at my consort I just smile before picking up my chopsticks.

" Let us eat dear. " I confessed and eat my food before it gets cold.

" Sure dear. " yang said and ate her food.

• ml place pov •

" master the carriage is now ready. " an old man said while kneeling.

" hmm.....I give you my gratitude lord leiw. " a man said while sipping a tea before getting up and walking his way out ignoring the old man who is on the floor.

outside, the man then gets into the wooden carriage and orders the coachman to start a long ride journey.

while in the yang estate a lovely couple then showed to be asleep and naked in the huge bed while snuggling each other's skin in a very comfortable way.

just then a blonde hair female open her eyes before sitting up on the bed with a sleepy face and turning her head while looking intensely at the female beside her before a slight blush showed on her cheeks.

" ha...looks like my first had been taken. " the blonde hair female mumbled still looking at the girl who is sleeping before kissing the naked girl's forehead and just snuggling with her and sleeping again in the bed.