Chapter: 6 historical drama ( r18 )

• the night pov •

after finishing our food I then stand up and get my robe in a nearby chair.

" Yang dear I will take a bath first ok. " I said to her she just nod while smiling, and before kissing her cheeks I then walk my way to the washroom.

after taking a cold bath I then walk out and see yang who is taking her cloth off slowly while her back is showing in front, looking at her I can feel my face heat up and just lick my lips before I fast walk my way towards her.

without thinking I then twirled her around and pinned her to the wall making her surprised.

looking at me yang just giggles and cares my blushing cheeks.

" your majesty you surprise me there. " she said while I, on the other hand, put my hand on her waist and lean my neck on her right shoulder.

" yang... I'm quite lucky aren't I. " I whispered in her ear making her confused.

" What are you talking about your majesty. " yang said pushing me gently making our eyes meet each other.

" I mean I'm so lucky to meet you on the other hand... is a... " I didn't even finish my word when my consort cover my mouth with her hand.

" your majesty emperor quin please don't talk like that, this is now the present and all those memories is all in the past so please don't blame yourself... even after you change to a new person all the terrible thing that I said into your back I regret it all even now. " she told me with a happy, sad, and guilty emotions.

looking at her I just smile ear to ear I do appreciate her honesty.

" And I have forgiven you, my dear. " I said smiling at her just then she teared up making me panic all of a sudden before she kissed my lips making all my worry vanish.

" your majesty you are so straightforward. " she mumbled while her lips is still on me.

" yeah...really am. " I said back and just kissed her rough making her moan and also making me eager.

After a passionate kiss we then parted ways breathless, looking at her I just smirk before carrying her in a bridal carry making her yelp before she calms down and wraps her arms around my neck while her face is laying onto my chest.

arriving at the king sized bed I then gently put her down making her lay on the soft fabric, while I'm still standing I just looked at my concubine intensely while yang who is now on the bed feel unexpectedly shy because of how quin looked at her with lust.

without saying any word her majesty quin then kneel on the bed and gently snatch yang's foot before she kisses it seductively and makes her way towards the consort's abdomen making yang moan slightly like a whisper.

and without thinking twice or two I then took her imperial robe making her half naked in my eyes since her breast is still covered I just tease then on my finger gently making yang moan again in pleasure.

after that, I then took it off and groped her breast a little hard.

" majesty please make it a little gentle. " yang plead the emperor who is just holding herself.

after hearing her request I then made it a little gentle that made yang cry in sudden pleasure while I'm wet between my legs, after she position herself in a sexy way now I can't control myself, without wasting time I then took off my white bathrobe, presenting a delicate sexy body who have all of the glamorous that all female want.

while yang on the other side of the road looked completely stunned by what she have seen but just looking at the emperor's female body really is a surprise and also a gift for yang.

" Your majesty you're a gi...girl. " Yang said shocked at what she had seen while I who is on top of her smirked.

" is my female appearance distracting you my dear concubine... If you want we could stop this action we are about to start. " I said seductively while caressing her cheeks who are heating up.

" of...of course not your majesty please penetrate me. " she said pleading for me to start.

after hearing her answer I then continue the night with her in the bed.

while outside of the chamber all of the servants who heard all the moans just walk like nothing happened while all the maids who is just passing by blushed slightly so also to not disturb yang and quin.

( guys I know it's so so so short but I will try hard for the next r18 )

• current day •

[ good day host ] amin said in my head cheerfully.

" good day also amin so what is the report update. " I then said seriously.

[ ahh...yes host...umm...the ml has now finally made his journey towards the empire. ] amin said with a hint of seriousness.

" mhhh...*sigh* he is on his way right then make trouble for him to deal make it hard alright. " I commanded amin.

[ ahh yes, host no problem. ] amin said before she transform herself into a hawk sized like a griffin.

after amin leaves my consort then moves into my face without me knowing and kiss my cheeks before I respond back.

" good morning your majesty. " yang said with a tired look.

" yeah, good morning my consort and also our night is good ain't it. " I said teasing her, while yang heard what quin said she then blush hard.

" uhhh...yes it is pretty good but I would like

for you to not make a scene about it your majesty. " yang said covering her face.

" yeah sure, sure. " quin said and kiss yang on the hand.

" now then let's go since a maid said that the duke request us to join him for breakfast today. " I said softly while smiling.

" mhhh let me wash first alright, I didn't even get a bath last night so wait for me a while love. " she said seductively making me want her whole again.

" Sure dear. " I said back, after she closed the bathroom door I then sit on a nearby chair and take out half of my paper works and sign it all silently.

a minute later yang then get out of the bathroom and proceed to walk toward the closet area and begin to wear her cloth, then again I am forced to wait so we can walk together towards the dining room.

" uhhmm... your Majesty sorry if I disturb you but...uhh...can you help me here for a bit. " she asked me, hearing it I then stand up before putting my paperwork on the table and walk towards the closet.

" Sure dear what is it. " I spoke to her late.

" uhh...yes can you help me put on my second layer robe on. " yang again said.

" yeah, sure my dear yang. " I said lovingly and enter the closet, and help her with all the cloth layer decorations, I must not lie it sure did take a lot of time.

for minutes later again yang is now done so I just need to wear my cloth and we walk together towards the dining room.