chapter: 1 ABO modern cultivation

• Sara pov •

" Amin what auction will the FL get sold off. " I ask.

[ The Female lead will be sold in the Shulee auction just inside the Casino that will happen this evening. ] after Amin said that I then go and order a maid to prepare my cloth.

And while the maid is preparing I then go towards the bathroom and take a quick shower, after I dry myself I then wear my cloth.

" ready my car outside. " I said before getting the mask that I purchase in the system store.

Arriving outside a male servant then give me my keys, opening my car door I then sat inside and drive my way toward the auction.

• Hella pov •

After arriving at my door house a huge man suddenly drag me while covering my mouth with a towel that make my consciousness leave my body but after my eyes close shut father and mother suddenly appear looking at them worried I was about to shout but I then stop when I see a man give my parent a suitcase that has millions of dollars on it.

Glancing at my parent one last time my eyes then began to curve downward forming a frown.

" I did everything, do my job, my studies and also to not bother you but in the end you two will just abandon me. " I thought with sadness and also anger.

" I will never forgive you until I die. " I thought again after my eyes closed shut.

Opening my eyes again the first thing I see is many people looking at me like a prey, just then a shout suddenly penetrates my ears making me turn my head.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Shulee auction, and for everyone here today you are so very lucky since we have a fresh catch, this young lad here is a very special Omega.... " the man said while pushing my chin.

"The bidding will be at 1 million. " he said again making me widen my eyes without even a second has passed huge money then risen up, before a man with a suit suddenly shouts.

" 1 billion. " he said making the crowd shock before clapping.

" 1 billion by sir Chong....going " just then he got cut off.

" 10 billion. " a cold voice then echoed and when they hear what the voice said they all then look in its direction where they see a beautiful woman with a mask on but after only hearing her voice all of the people then recognize it.

And when Chong hears the familiar voice his mouth then gritten in anger.

" 10 billion by miss Sara Zhong.....going once...twice....sold. " after the man said that he then untie me and put some electrical collar on my neck.

" behave you slave or miss Zhong might just throw you away. " he said in a threatening voice and when the woman called miss Zhong arrive his face then created a big smile and handed me.

" have a good day miss Zhong. " he said and the woman who is holding my hand didn't mind him and just give him a card before walking away.

Arriving at the parking lot miss Zhong then escorted me towards her car and open the passenger door for me which I gladly accept and sat at the seat.

After she is now on the driver's seat she then put her hand on my collar I was about to run away but I know that I can't so I just close my eyes but my mind then cleared when I hear a crumbling noise.

" you don't need this. " she said making me open my eyes where I see the metal collar on her hand crumble to pieces after that she then took of her mask where I see a beautiful angel.

" no...a devil, yes a devil she is a devil. " I thought in my mind forgetting that the woman is just besides me and if she hear what I just said she might chokes me to death.

After my mind thought such a thing my body then shiver.

" you must not run away my dear or I might bite you. " she again said before putting the key and drive to a location that I don't know and just like that, I fell asleep.

• Sara pov •

" sigh...I'm almost late. " I whispered under my breath while driving my car towards my house and while doing so I then turn my head where I see Helle sleeping peacefully.

Glancing at her I just smile. " she looks like a cute little kitten. " I thought in my head.

After about 30 minutes long drive we finally arrive at the mansion I then park my car just in front of the gate and get out with Hella in my arms covered with a jacket before entering the mansion.

When I reach my chamber I then put Hella on my bed where she sleeps comfortably after that I just leave her be and take a quick shower before going toward the bookshelf getting a book and settle on the couch.

And while doing so I didn't notice the time and fell asleep on the couch sitting while an open book is laying on my face.

• Hella pov •

After falling asleep I then open my eyes where I see a blue clear sky getting up startled I then notice that I was wearing a royal traditional cloth when I was about to leave a figure who is wearing the same traditional royal cloth but in a different color called me and when I tried to look at the figure closer my vision just blur by itself.

" My empress why are you there, you might catch a cold if you don't cover up. " the figure then said while putting his/her hand in the air waiting for me to hold it and when I was about to reach his/her palm a blackhole suddenly suck me in making me wake up with a lot of sweat sliding on my forehead.

When I open my eyes I then glance at my surrounding that I didn't know just then memory suddenly hit me.

" I was sold out and got purchased by a beautiful lady. " I said and when I remember the woman's face my look then creeps some redness.

" pervert side is now taking over me. " I thought still blushing just then a groan suddenly hit my ear, looking where it came from I then see the same woman sleeping on the couch.

" so it's really real.....I never thought that someone will just throw money like that. " I said still looking in her direction.

" but who is the figure that I just dream about earlier. " I thought confused since that dream feels so real all of a sudden.

" I hope I find that person someday. " I thought again making my attention to the lady who is sleeping cut off.

" What are thinking about, dear. " an unknown voice then whisper in my ear making me jump.

Glancing at the person who did it I then see the woman who purchase me is now on the bed sitting on the edge while laughing because of my reaction.

looking at her mocking me I just pout in anger before a hand suddenly caresses my cheek.

" Are you angry, how about I treat you food today. " she said and I just nod ever since I woke up I then crave food.

" by the way I just think about this just now I didn't get your name. " she said making me embarrass.

" can call me Hella. " I said which the woman who is just centimeters away from me hummed.

" that's a beautiful name.....then I will leave you now you can go wash up on that room and also you can call me Sara. " she said and leave I don't know why I feel like trusting her but I just let my emotion go since I believe that she will somehow save, care and love me when the time comes.

And after my daydreaming I then go towards the next room where I see a big bathroom and wash myself when I get out I then notice 5 maidservants putting some cloth on the bed and when I get out completely one of them then gently lead and help me wear a luxurious cloth that I can't even afford even if I work hard on my job for one year.

" thank you everyone. " I said and bow making the 5 maids startled by my sudden action.

" Please don't bow young miss future lover it is our duty to help and serve. " one of them then said making the other four nod in approval and when I realized.

" Young miss future...lover. " my head then snap and when I was about to stop them they just laugh and left leaving me alone.

" This is a misunderstanding. " I shout a little bit while crying.

[ A/N: readers I would love it if you put some meme cry on the paragraph, see you in the next chapter. ]