chapter: 2 ABO modern cultivation

After not clearing the misunderstanding I just left the room defeated and while I was walking the halls a huge and thick pheromone then hit me making my whole body freeze in fear I was about to throw up when a citrus pheromone suddenly block it.

" HELLA!! " the familiar voice then shouted turning my head I then see Sara running her way towards me.

" did I hurt you. " she asked not wanting to make the woman more troubled I just shake my head making her sigh in relief.

" here let me help you. " then she held my arms gently and pull me up.

" I apologize... I was just training my pheromone in the empty room I didn't think that someone would walk in these halls. " she then apologize again still covering her pheromone in my body that I can't help and embraced her without thinking twice.

After realizing the thing that I have just done I then quickly push myself away but Sara suddenly pulls me closer making my head lay on her chest where I heard her heart beating fast.

" it's alright I don't mind. " she whispered in my ear making my whole face blush after that she push away and held my hand tight.

" let's go or the food might get cold. " she said and I just let her pull me after arriving at the dinner table my mouth just open in shock.

" I can't even afford to buy a huge room but the dining table is even more expensive. " I thought in my mind crying.

" come Hella let us eat," she said while patting the chair just beside her having no choice I forcefully pull my whole body and sat down at the luxurious chair.

• Sara's pov earlier •

exiting my room I then ordered some maid nearby to take care of Hella and after that is handled I then go toward the long hall and enter an empty room after closing the door shut I then cross my legs.

clearing my mind a black aura then surround my body after that I then let out all of my dark pheromones and when I was about to continue the third process I then hear a groan making me stand up and opened the door when I peek outside I then notice Hella kneeling on the floor covering her mouth not trying to puke.

And when I was about to reach out to her I just release my pheromone making her calm after helping her get up we then go toward the dining room where we will eat.

• 3rd person present time •

" is the food alright Hella. " Sara then said before wiping her mouth elegantly after Hella who is in awe eating luxurious food hears Sara ask she then coughed.

" it is more than alright ms. Sara. " Hella said bowing at the young lad just beside her and when Hella bowed Sara on the other hand chuckled.

" just call me Sara my dear Hella. " she said and when Hella again hear the ' dear ' word her face then began to blush.

" ye...yes Sara. " she said while covering her red face.

" and also I was thinking just a while ago that you look young...are you perhaps....a student. " Sara asks making Hella nod.

" yes...the truth is my mother and father..sold me out. " Hella said while lowering her head.

" I see...then how about will finish until graduation and work for me as my assistant is that a deal. " Sara said making Hella's eyes widen in shock.

" I will do anything you ask ms. Sara, thank you for giving me an opportunity. " Hella said bowing over and over again Sara just giggle.

" hahaha, now now finish your food and tomorrow I will register you. " Sara said making Hella shake her head.

" no it's ok, the university I study at is fine so don't bother. " Hella said rejecting Sara's proposal.

" if you say so, I respect your decision. " the young lad said after that the two then finish their food while in awkward silence.

" here dear, if you ever need me just go ask some maid where is my study at. " Sara said after handing her a black card and leaving making Hella freeze.

" but I have my own money. " the omega just whispers.

" this card is so valuable. " Hella mumble before putting carefully the card in her wallet.

" that would be good enough. " Hella then again said before leaving and making her way outside.

" ms. Hella if you don't mind can I ask about the location you will be going. " a guard then said blocking her path.

" I will go to the mall. " Hella said which was enough to make the guard nodded.

" then please take care. " the young lad said after giving Hella a bow.

After the omega is now nowhere to be found the guard who blocks Hella's way then melts and became a shadow just then the shadow figure then makes its way toward a room arriving inside a cold eye then creep.

" master Sara the young lady is now out. " a voice then said.

" then go and guard her my shadow don't ever let someone touch her. " Sara ordered making the shadow figure nod.

" I will do as you say master. " after saying that the figure then disappears.

• Hella pov •

" haa...the smell outside sure is relaxing. " I said while stretching my arms after that I then go and take a cab.

Sitting inside the cab I then open my wallet and give the payment to the driver.

" the shuing mall please. " after hearing what I said he just nod and we drive our way towards the mall.

Arriving at the Mall I then get out after thanking the driver and just like that I then make my way inside so I can buy all of the things that I needed for school since everything of my school requirement is left in my house and I don't want to see my parents and I'm glad that my flash drive is in my locker because all of my schedules is in there.

Sighing I then go and buy everything fast so night will not catch up on me.

On the other side of the Mall, a man in all black then took his ringing phone and answer it.

" boss chong I have found the bitch that you are looking for so you must have cash on your hand tonight's evening the scheduled place will be the same so have fun after I catch this prey. " the man said not even saying bye.

While in the other line the ML Hue Chong can be seen fucking a beat up female beta that just passed out.

" Hahaha!!! I can't wait to see that woman's face after I rape her cunt. " Chong thought while roughly assaulting the beta and after he was done he just throw the unconscious woman on the floor making her nose bleed because of the impact.