The Old God of Sacrifice (Introduction 2)

In the middle of a leafy forest in the south of Xie City, several tents could be seen mounted, being lit up by a pair of bonfires. Strangely, no trace of activity could be noticed in the bandit's camp.

This was one of the dwellings of the Blue Flag bandit group. A fortified camp, encircled by a wooden wall. The bandits even built wooden spikes to avoid any breaching. But strangely, no trace of activity could be noticed in the bandit's camp.

However, if one looked thoroughly, one would be frozen in place. The scene did not resemble a bandit camp at all. This was more worthy to be called a carnage.

Lots of human bodies covered the ground, all soaked in fresh blood. The greenish fabric of the tents was turned into a more reddish one, and one could even hear small groans from a few bodies.

These were the unfortunates. They got their extremities cut apart, and now are only waiting for their own blood to completely drain off before finally dying, easing their pain.

Jacob was the only man in the camp who survived. Although he got a few bruises and cuts around his body, he was dealing fine with the pain. After all, he was an experienced adventurer, a few wounds was just another normal day for him.

Fortunately for him, no one of the bandits in this dwelling had reached level 40. He could easily deal with them.

However, this did not make him happy. His eyes were lost, looking at a petite girl's body on the ground. Her clothes had a few holes in her legs, butt and breasts, and Jacob could notice a few human bite marks around her body.

He knew who she was. He had even taught her a few techniques to survive in the wild. She was Olivia's little sister. Her body lay next to a pile of several burnt bodies.

"Why could I not arrive sooner?! Why did I not go directly to report the bandit camp to the authorities instead of completing the damn quest?!" He punched himself in the face.

Blood began to drip from his nose, but he could not stop hurting himself. He felt that these deaths were his fault. His and solely fault.

"If I had arrived sooner" *BAM* I could have saved them! *BAM* If I had reported the bandits! *BAM* This would not have happened in the first place! AWWWWW!" His face was a bloody mess, but he did not care nor stopped.

Tears did not stop falling from his eyes, making the ground to be a mix between salt water and blood.

"WHY DOES LIFE HAVE TO BE SO HARD ON INNOCENT PEOPLE!" Jacob angrily yelled into the dark sky.

He felt that if he did not give a few bad and honest words to these gods governing the world, he would not stop crying.

"Tell me, Gods! Where the f*ck were you when these innocent people were raped and killed?!"

"I bet that you lot even enjoyed yourselves with the sight." He sighed, suddenly falling to the floor.

Only now he became aware that he has spent all his strength. After all, he just fought and killed a group of bandits. It was even a surprise to him that he still had enough strength to punch himself and cry out like he was doing.

Lying down on the floor, he could not help but fall asleep.

The next day, Jacob woke up early, and without sparing any effort, began to dig a grave for each one of the kidnapped.

As for the bandit bodies? He thought that their bodies deserved to be eaten by the beasts. At least in this way, their wretched lives could serve a purpose, even if it was at their end.

He spent the two following days digging graves and filling them up. He did not make a single stop aside from eating and fulfilling his body necessities.

After finally filling up the last grave, he took a nearby big-sized stone and placed it above the graves. With some last details, he sat on the ground, feeling too tired to keep standing.

However, he suddenly heard some branches moving from behind. Being exhausted, he attached the noise to a small beast eating the leaves. He could not be more wrong.

"So, you are still here." At the sudden voice, he turned his head.

Someone covering himself completely in black clothes was in front of him. Jacob judged him to be an old man, as the black-clothed elder used a walking stick to walk.

Nevertheless, he got up and took a battle-body stance. As an adventurer, he knew that appearances are deceptive. A normal elder would not travel the forest to arrive at a bandit camp.

"Who are you?!" Our adventurer immediately asked.

"Oh? Me? I am many. For some people, I am the symbol of death. For other people, I am the King of the Netherworld. Although my preferred title is the Old God of Sacrifice."

The black-clothed elder spoke calmly, but each one of his words released such an amount of mana that he could not almost breath. Some birds even fell to the floor, dead, dripping blood from all of their orifices.

"And you, young man, just interfered in one of these sacrifices."

Jacob did not notice this, but blood was beginning to appear in his eye sockets and from his nose.

'Who is this person?! How can he be this powerful?!' He could barely think, his vision blackening more and more every second.

Filled with fear and unable to maintain consciousness, Jacob passed out.

"Oh, fifty seconds. Not bad." The Old God of Sacrifice spoke inwardly. "I had released little divinity energy in the first place, but it is still a shocking result."

Looking into the poor-made graveyard, he saw the big sized stone in the middle. The words [Here lies the innocents, those who had spent their last hours of life being in hell. Rest in Peace] were carved into the stone.

After reminiscing for a few seconds, the Old God of Sacrifice came close to his body, and swinging his walking stick, cleanly beheaded him.


[Congratulations, Jacob White! You successfully fulfill all the requirements for the gift of Rebirth. You shall be granted a System.]

[Activating Rebirth Pool…]

[Congratulations! You shall be reborn as a dragon. /&/("(·())(***""$()")·]

[/&/("(·())( A-A God /&/(" is-is interfering ***""$ with &/( the Rebirth.]

[Congratulations! The God of Sacrifice has activated the Legend Protocol.]

[Legend Protocol activating… Congratulations! You shall be granted a System.]

[Activating System Pool…]

[Congratulations! You have been granted the Easy Harem System!]

[Error! The God of Sacrifice has undone the action. Triggering System Pool…]

[Congratulations! You have been granted the Dragon Devourer System!]