I am a Dragon

[Congratulations, you have been granted the Dragon Devourer System! You shall be reborn as a dragon!]


'Ouch, my head hurts...'

Somewhere on a faraway continent, in the deep of a forest, a big round object was lying on the ground. If it was not golden in color, one would even confuse it with a beautifully crafted piece of rock.

The forest had a lively nature, with towering trees full of fruits, gleaming mushrooms, and abundant wildlife. This was the reason for every beast, and even monsters, to make the forest their home.

During the last few days, several beasts noticed the golden piece of rock and moved closer, only for them to magically disappear at the next second. Strangely, white symbols similar to runes appeared covering the golden rock every time this happened.

'What… happened…? Where… am I…? It is all dark…' Trying to move himself, Jacob noticed that he was inside a kind of cage. One with no light.

Furthermore, the cage walls were covered by something viscous, similar to grease. He tried his utmost to not throw up, as at the end he would be soaked into grease and vomit.

After a few minutes, he finally recovered. The grease still made him want to puke, but at least now he could somehow hold on. Now that he was calmer, he reached the conclusion that the black-clothed old man kidnapped him.

Jacob thought quickly into a plan to escape. Blindly touching the cage's wall with his hands, he checked how thick the grease was. Fortunately for him, the thickness of the grease was only a couple of centimeters, enough for what he was going to do next.

The space inside the cage was enough for him to adjust his body. Slightly rotating his hip clockwise and moving his right foot behind his left, Jacob tightened his fist and punched hard the cage's wall.

He was betting his soul in the cage being made of poor materials. His life depended on it.

After releasing his punch, his fist initially encountered a soft layer, but the grease was not enough to slow him down, not even a little. Passing through the grease, the punch kept going forward, until finally he felt his fist encountering the wall.

The wall's toughness resembled a stone-like material, but even so, it did not stop him, as the fist broke through as if it was paper.

"Finally, I am free!" A small growl was heard in the forest.

In a small glade in the forest, a beast was calmly eating the grass. This beast resembled a cow, except that it had two heads and was covered in spikes.

When the cow-like beast arrived at the glade, it noticed a golden rock laying at its center, but the cow beast did not care. In its eyes, it could only see grass. It loved the taste of grass.

However, this day the cow beast was not eating grass as usual, as it was busy looking at the golden rock. The beast did not know when it happened, but the golden rock was half-destroyed and a big-sized lizard appeared from inside.

The lizard had its entire body covered in little white scales. Possessing a voracious maw filled with sharp teeth and two grayish-colored reptilian eyes, it gave the feeling of being a peak predator.

The cow beast was carefully looking at the white lizard, waiting for an opportunity to escape. It felt extremely intimidated by its sight. After all, both had the same size, and only one of them looked like a predator.

Moreover, an old instinct in its bloodline was urging it to immediately run away.

'Why do I have a paw? Where is my fist? Wait, do I even have scales? WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?!' While the cow-like beast was worrying about his life, our little white lizard was breaking down.

Jacob looked at himself over and over again, having trouble accepting reality. How was he supposed to accept that now he was not human? For the Gods's Sake, he even broke through from the insides of a gigantic golden egg!

Initially, he thought that the black-clothed old man trapped him inside a magical treasure which resembled a stone. He knew that these kinds of magic treasures existed.

Although he was aware that only the rich and powerful could get one, the pressure alone from the old man's voice assured him that the old man was a very powerful one. Perhaps even inside the Sage level.

However, these thoughts vanished when he noticed the soft layer of grease which was covering the insides of the golden 'magical treasure'. These resemble too much the yolk that birds and reptiles had inside their eggs to apport nutrients to the embryo.

The golden piece of rock was, without a doubt, an egg. His egg, to be precise. He, a human, just got born from a golden egg. Or maybe he would say a past human.

When Jacob was almost completely losing his mind, he suddenly heard a voice.

[Congratulations, host, for being reborn. Please, say 'Status' to check your current state.]

What? Is there someone else aside from him? A human at that? The voice seemed to belong to a woman, but looking around, he could only see an unknown beast looking at him dangerously.

When the beast and him locked eyes, his legs became frozen in the spot, fearing that as a newborn, the beast would see him as an easy prey. At the same time, the cow-like beast thought that if it moved, the white lizard would chase and hunt it down.

Like this, what could look like a staring contest began.

While not averting his eyes from the beast, Jacob thought that it would be a good idea to do what the voice said. He did not want to be brutally murdered by the beast before getting to know what the voice wanted.

Besides, he also suspected that this beast was the one who talked to him just now. Maybe this was the reas‌on it had not attacked him yet.

The only thing he could do was to try it out. Tensing his body, he said the magical word "Status".

Then, as soon as he said the word, a status screen appeared right in front of his eyes.


[User: Jacob Dragonson]

[Race: Dragon (Baby)]

[Age: 1 day (Newborn)]

[Level: 1]

[Food: 10/100]

[Magic Power: 0]

[Affinity: *]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Toughness: 10]

[*Further evolution required to unlock an affinity.]

'Whoa, what is this? My information? It even measures my strength and agility. Seriously, this is even better than my old Card. Wait, Wait, Wait, What is this? A dragon? Am I a f*cking dragon?!'

If Jacob White did not, oh wait, he is now called Jacob Dragonson.

If Jacob Dragonson did not lose his sanity already, he definitely lost it now.