White Lizard vs An Horny Male

As soon as Jacob saw the creature, he crouched down and crawled to the ground, toward his prey.

Regardless, the horned beast did not hear anything and kept sleeping, unaware that it was being seen as a target.

After he was close enough that he could see the veins in the beast's neck, he opened his jaws and pounced toward the beast's neck. The target of his fangs were these veins.

"OHHHHMMMMM!" Suddenly feeling a stinging feeling, the beast abruptly opened its eyes and groaned.

He did not wait for the beast to react and defend itself, using his claws to get a good grip around his neck.

The beast was trying to get up to run away, but its blood was dripping as if it was a river. The unbearable pain was making its vision fade.

"OOOOOUUUUUUHHHHMMMM!" The beast angrily cried while feeling a sudden increment of adrenalin, getting the strength to get up from the ground.

Nevertheless, he did not take off his claws from the beast's skin even for a second, his paws colored in red. He feared that if he lost his grasp, the beast would run away.

After getting up, the beast began to hop on the spot with a wild craziness, foam appearing in his mouth. It desperately wanted to shake off the lizard from his neck.

Nevertheless, Jacob tried his utmost, but at the end, his claws lost their grasp, getting thrown into the river.

"Pfffzzz! Oh man, I hate being wet." On the bright red side of the river, a white and large wingless figure appeared.

Perhaps a bit of water had entered into his eyes, making his sight blurred, as after reaching the ground, he found himself with a pair of horns just a few centimeters apart from his face.

Quickly jumping to the side, he narrowly avoided what could have been a serious wound. But the beast did not stop there, as it was arching its head down again.

"Why could you not just die?"

Taking advantage of the time the beast needed to reposition itself, he rushed toward the beast's three o'clock, successfully evading being impaled.

Sighing in relief, Jacob heard a loud cry. The horned beast had all its neck tainted in blood. He guessed that the creature did not have much more time left until dying from blood loss.

The beast ached down his head and slightly crouched down its hind legs, flexing its knees. It was using all his remaining strength to put an end to the fight.

"Yes, horny, I agree with you. It is time to end this, but the only one dying will be you." The white lizard left out a decided growl.

As the beast released all its strength and madly charged at him, he stood still in the place, waiting for the right moment.

When the tip of the beast's horns were at just five centimeters from his scaled face, he quickly crouched down, pressing his body to the ground.

The beer-like beast passed over him and continued his charge, leaving a trace of blood in its course. Not noticing that its target just escaped death, the beast struck the trunk of a tree and collapsed on the ground.

"Hey, horny, what do you think about being reborn as my experience points?" Jacob joked while looking at the dead fish-eyes of the beast.

[The Host has killed a Level 4 Male Horned Elnias. 17 Experience obtained.]

"Puff, this was harder than expected."

[The Host has reached level 2!]

A gratifying level up message appeared in front of his eyes. Deciding to take a look at his new stats, he willed for the Status Screen to appear.


[User: Jacob Dragonson]

[Race: Dragon (Baby)]

[Age: 1 day (Newborn)]

[Level: 2]

[Food: 4/100]

[Magic Power: 0]

[Affinity: *]

[Strength: 11]

[Agility: 11]

[Toughness: 11]

[*Further evolution required to unlock an affinity.]

The level up window disappeared, and instead, his Status Screen appeared in his eyes. The Level Label now displayed the number two, while his other stats increased by one point.

"So this is really what a level up is, uh?" Jacob laughed his ass off. "Humanity is spending hundreds of years researching the changes leveling up brings and it is actually this simple."

He had no doubts that if the widely recognized scholars from Academy City knew, they would definitely jump off from the tallest astronomy tower in the academy.

Academic City was a city located at the north of Xie City, near the Royal Capital. The city had this name because it was the place where the prestigious Phoenix Academy was located, the best magic academy on the continent.

Jacob had never been there, but he thought that the academy size must have been considerable to need an entire city built around it. He had heard tales about its silver walls, but even so, he would not go there.

He hated mages. Yes, sure, having magic powers was cool and all, but he was not born with magical talent. He was envious of them.

Furthermore, the mages have always been considering the adventurers as trash. They saw themselves as important figures, key pieces needed for humanity to thrive. Whereas, for them, the sole purpose of an adventurer was to serve as a mere tool for their research.

"They better not leave the safety of their academy… *Grooooowl*" Jacob could not finish his threat, as his stomach began to rumble. "Oh well, after all that fighting, it is not a wonder I feel hungry."

Just as the growls left his ferocious mouth, he headed toward the Horned Elnias's corpse and ripped it apart using his claws. Seeing all the blood and the organs, he sliced a small piece of meat and brought it to his mouth.

"Oh, Raw meat is not that bad. I expected worse." Continuing to devour the meat without any restraint, the night arrived.

[Food bar is full.]

After looking around for a comfortable spot, being exhausted, he could easily fall asleep.

And like this, an adventurer passed his first night in the wilderness, in a far-away forest, as a white scaled dragon.