How to Become a Wizard

The next day, the sun shone and the birds sang. A crystal clear and shallow river ran through a lush forest far away, supplying its needs.

A white lizard the size of a cow yawned next to the river, stretching his scaled body to its fullest extent. The white scaled creature was a dragon, but his lack of wings made him resemble their closest relatives, the lizards.

Jacob slept exceptionally well. Even the nocturnal cries of predators couldn't keep him awake. He knew that no predator would be so stupid as to wake a sleeping dragon.

He felt energized and motivated after overcoming his first day as a dragon in an unfamiliar forest. He called the System as he stood up.

Immediately after, his Status screen appeared right in front of his eyes.


[User: Jacob Dragonson]

[Race: Dragon (Baby)]

[Age: 2 days (Newborn)]

[Level: 2]

[Food: 52/100]

[Magic Power: 0]

[Affinity: *]

[Strength: 11]

[Agility: 11]

[Toughness: 11]

[*Further evolution required to unlock an affinity.]

"The food was reduced by nearly half after a night's sleep. It seems a dragon can not oversleep." He calculated that eating once a day was sufficient, as a medium-sized beast was enough to fill his stomach.

Nonetheless, what he desperately needed was to hunt beasts in order to level up. After giving it some thought, he made the decision to follow the river upward, hoping to encounter more beasts.

Half a day passed, during which Jacob would check the other baby dragon's position from time to time, only for the System to inform him that he was getting farther from his target.

Walking alongside the river, he kept searching for beasts. At times, he would step into the forest, only to come back with blood on his face and a System's message.

But regardless of this, he still saw far too few creatures, unaware that his white scales made him a showy target. His only prey of the day were a Syracute, a pair of Horned Elnias, and a small creature named Kir.

It was also his first time seeing a Syracute and a Kir. The first one resembled a cat, if you fed it steroids and it did not skip legs day. It was bigger than a house and very ferocious. When Jacob first encountered it, the Syracute was pushing a group of little creatures toward a ravine.

At the sight, he quickly stepped in and after a tough and long fight to the death, he finally could put an end to its life. Unfortunately, he was too late. The little creatures died during the clash.

He could not forgive himself for not claiming their experience points.

Later on, he got the urge to pee. Being a civilized gentleman, he felt embarrassed to pee in the open, so he went into the forest and found a secluded spot hidden from questioning eyes.

Nevertheless, the worst happened. After being done, he heard a noise coming from above. Looking up, he saw a little creature observing him from a tree branch.

It was twenty centimeters tall and had a yellow skin decorated by black dots, but the only characteristic Jacob noticed was its judging eyes.

Quickly hiding his private parts, the little creature kept curiously observing him, making him puke blood.

"So you think it is amusing to peek when a man is relieving his body's needs." The white lizard growled while beginning to climb the tree. "You'd better start running or else..."

However, no matter how many times Jacob tried, he could not climb the tree. He tried one, two, three times… but to no avail. His claws would break the tree's bark each time he got a grasp, making his effort completely useless.

After all, a dragon's claws were not made to climb, but to rip off flesh.

Even so, the little Kir did not leave the tree. A Kir felt safe in the heights, they only needed to be careful around beasts which could fly.

A dragon could fly, but not a newborn. Baby dragons had to spend their time getting nutrients and developing their bodies. Only after evolving they could begin to develop their wings.

Jacob could not fly nor climb the tree, but nevertheless, his eyes were filled with resolve, as he had an idea. He took a pebble from the ground, and flexing his arm, he threw it toward the Kir, aiming for his head.

[The Host has killed a Level 2 Male Kir. 12 Experience obtained.]

A System's message announced the death of the shameless creature. It also showed that his aim was as good as he was an adventurer.

[The Host has reached level 4!]

He was already a level 3 baby dragon before killing the Kir, and now he got a new level up. Today was being a very productive day.

To top it off, when Jacob finished eating the Kir's body and went back to the river, he found a pair of Horned Elnias playing in the water.

He was feeling lucky, but he immediately noticed something strange. One of the Horned Elnias stopped to play in the water and climbed to the back of the other. Then, the magical act of mating began.

Jacob did not know what to feel hearing their groans. Here he was, a dragon which did not taste love during his entire life, which was actually two days long. For the Gods's Sake, he was a virgin even in his past life.

After a brief, self-deprecating moment, he stepped into the river, his eyes shining with determination.

"You… shall… not… mate!"

[The Host has killed a Level 3 Male Horned Elnias. 14 Experience obtained.]

[The Host has killed a Level 3 Female Horned Elnias. 14 Experience obtained.]

[The Host has reached level 5!]

A couple of System Messages and, finally, a level up, praised his efforts. These two kills gave him a good chunk of experience, becoming a powerful level 5 baby dragon.


[User: Jacob Dragonson]

[Race: Dragon (Baby)]

[Age: 2 day (Newborn)]

[Level: 5]

[Food: 100/100]

[Magic Power: 0]

[Affinity: *]

[Strength: 14]

[Agility: 14]

[Toughness: 14]

[*Further evolution required to unlock an affinity.]

Although Jacob lamented himself by crying and cursing the Gods for meddling in such a pair of romantic fellows, forcing him to kill them to survive, it was all an act.

"If I kill a pregnant Horned Elnias, will I get the experience points from both the mother and the baby or only the mother? Oh dragon, these are the kinds of questions that keep me awake at night." The newborn baby dragon walked out of the river with a smile on his face.

However, in that instant, he suddenly heard a loud female voice.

[WARNING! A dragon was detected at five kilometers from the Host.]