Chasing a Dragon

[WARNING! A dragon was detected at five kilometers from the Host.]

A different System Screen than usual appeared right in front of his eyes, with a reddish background.

"At five kilometers from me? Does the other baby dragon know my position?" The white and wingless dragon growled, his ears still ringing from the loud System's alert.

"I better get moving. I do not want to encounter it by mistake."

Choosing a random direction, he left the river to again step into the forest. Considering that there were a few hours until nightfall, he had enough time to hunt a couple more beasts.

The forest had a wild and engulfing feeling that Jacob could not get used to. The tall trees of different colors, the brightly colored orbs that floated around and the diverse and vivid wildlife gave him the impression that it was magical.

A normal person would usually think that it was a dreamy and beautiful place, one where you would love to spend the rest of your life. And the white dragon thought that this was the problem.

He could sense a hidden energy in the forest, one that was present in the air but was even more concentrated in the surrounding flora. He did not know if this energy was toxic or harmful in any way, but he felt it was directly related to the forest's charm.

After walking for a while, he did not encounter any beast, but no new System's Alert appeared either. The white lizard sighed with relief, but he still felt that there was something wrong with the forest today.

Jacob did not see many beasts today while hunting, but at least, it was not as quiet and still as this time. During the day, the sound of birds singing and beasts' cries echoed throughout the forest, while at night, one could hear the peak predators and their prey's wails.

But at this time, he did not hear any kind of sound in the forest. It was as if the forest was hiding itself, afraid that a terrifying existence would destroy it.

[WARNING! A dragon was detected at four kilometers from the Host.]

The loud System's Alarm broke his ears, bringing a System's Screen to the front of his reptilian eyes. It was similar to the one he had previously received, except that this time the five kilometers were replaced by four kilometers.

"Seriously, System, it is just a f*cking baby dragon like me! You do not need to make my ears bleed each single time it gets near, for the Gods's Sake." The white lizard furiously growled, infuriated at the System's lack of regard for his hearing sense.

Regardless of his complaints, he stopped walking and chose to walk in the opposite direction. Jacob assumed the sudden System's Alert was his fault, as he would have run into the other dragon if he did not have the System to warn him.

Of course, it would be better if the System actually reported the other dragon's location accurately.

He knew he was already fortunate to have been reborn as a dragon, and with a System at that, but he wished for the God who made his System to at least think about these things before throwing out the System to him.

[WARNING! A dragon was detected at three kilometers from the Host.]

The System's Alarm again alerted him that the baby dragon was close, bringing the System's Alarm Screen to his eyes.

"What the f*ck is happening? How does it know of my position?" Jacob inwardly lamented as he began to run away, trying to get farther from his close familiar. He did not know the other baby dragon's level, nor did he want to discover it.

Even in comparison to the human world, he had a very low level. A beast at this level was nothing more than garbage. Fortunately, he appeared to be in a section of the forest filled with low-leveled creatures.

He knew it was only a matter of time before he reached a high level. However, he was born only two days ago. If the other baby dragon was born at least a week before him, he would not be his match at all. He had no other choice but to flee.

[WARNING! A dragon was detected at two kilometers from the Host.]

A new System's Alert appeared, and Jacob began to run faster, ignoring for the first time the unbearable pain the System's Alert caused in his hearing. He was doing everything he could, but his paws ached and exhaustion began to fill his body.

Even so, he did not stop to rest, not even for a single second. He could not figure out how the other dragon could move faster than him, feeling forced to change his path several times while running.

But it was in vain, as the System informed him yet again that the dragon had moved another kilometer closer to him. After the System sent him this Alert, informing him that the enemy's dragon was only one kilometer away, he came to a halt.

Jacob had never felt so threatened in his entire life, not even when he was an adventurer. "If you are so determined to come after me, then you have to pay for the consequences." The white dragon growled.

He looked around after he stopped running, quickly deciding on the best location to set up a trap. His plan was to lie in ambush, giving his chaser a surprise with a deathly cut toward its neck.

[WARNING! A dragon has arrived at the Host's location.]

Jacob did not need the System to send him an Alert this time, as he left the safety of his hidden spot and got up, finding himself in a surreal situation. In broad daylight, a mantle of obscurity suddenly descended.

"Well, here you are. I had looked for you all over the continent and I had finally found you." The forest shook as a thunderous voice rang out. "It is not surprising that I was unable to trace your bloodline in order to determine your position. You had to fall into this cursed place."