An Unexpected Side Quest

"Well, here you are." The forest shook as a thunderous voice rang out. "I had looked for you all over the continent. It is not a surprise that I could not detect your blood. You had to fall into this cursed place."

A massive and fearsome dragon was hiding the Sun's light by flying over the trees, staring at him. The flapping of his wings caused tornadoes to form, ripping apart trees, and his body exuded so much pressure that every creature within a kilometer fell unconscious, except for two baby dragons.

The dragon's scales were not white, but gray, with a metallic luster so sharp that their mere presence could cut the air. Countless blades adorned its ferocious mouth, while a pair of majestic silver eyes stared at him, emitting a light from them which could even rival moonlight.

Jacob fell to the ground, his baby dragon body barely holding together under such pressure. Fortunately, the gray-scaled dragon seemed to notice, as the amount of energy emitted by his body abruptly decreased.

"Oh, Little One, I hope you can forgive this Old Dragon. I am so used to being alone that I did not realize my aura was causing you some discomfort." The Old Dragon spoke softly before spreading his wings and landing on the ground.

'Some f*cking discomfort? You almost killed me!' Little One complained inwardly.

When the Old Dragon landed, all the nearby trees were crushed under his weight, creating a wide glade in the forest. The majestic silver wings of the Old Dragon folded themselves on his back, and he sat there, taller than the tallest tree.

Jacob stood in the distance, his mouth wide open. He had completely forgotten about the murder thoughts that had entered his mind; instead, his mind was busy daydreaming about the day when he would be like him.

A powerful and handsome white dragon soaring through the skies, bringing justice to evildoers and stealing the mages's wives. For some reason, the idea he found more attractive was the last one, to the point that he only thought about stealing women.

'I had been born to steal the heavens!' He yelled inwardly while drooling, thinking about his future harem.

What he did not know was how accurate his predictions were in a sense, and at the same time, how far off they were in everything else. No one, not even the System, could imagine what ruckus this white lizard would cause in the future.

"Very well. It is a good thing that you are still alive, and now that I am here, you have nothing to worry about. I will bring you home safely." The Old Dragon thunderous voice echoed.

The silver-scaled Old Dragon moved his heavy arm, creating ripples in the air with his scales, as he brought one of his claws to the ground and opened it upwards, his palm facing the sky, as if attempting to engulf it.

Jacob immediately realized that the Old Dragon's intention was to carry him, but he felt such an amount of power coming from the Old Dragon's claws that he began to feel like a tiny ant in front of him.

He tried to move closer, but his feet did not want to move. He struggled and struggled, trying to regain the control of his body, but it was to no avail. His body was shaking with fear, a primitive but natural feeling for dragons when they were in the presence of a higher member of their species.

[The Host has been detected under the influence of Immortal Dragon Bloodline. Activating countermeasures...]

[Countermeasures activated. The Host is now able to resist a fifty percent of the Immortal Dragon Bloodline Carrier's Might.]

Fortunately, he was not alone. He had a System with him. After receiving the System's Message, the pressure he felt suddenly decreased. Although it was still considerable, he finally could move his body.

Jacob happily took a step toward Old Dragon, only to curse at himself at the next second. An unbearable level of pain assaulted his senses, causing his eyes to well up with tears.

Nonetheless, he gritted his teeth and forced his feet to move. One step, two steps, three steps… until he finally arrived in front of the small hill which was the Old Dragon's palm.

Avoiding the sharp spikes which bulged from the dragon's paw, he stepped into the palm, feeling its power.

Throughout this entire time, the Old Dragon was closely examining him. He was about to reduce the amount of aura he was releasing after noticing that the white dragon was struggling to move, only to be pleasantly surprised when the baby dragon began to walk.

"Good work. I can see you have talent, but your willpower is even more impressive." The Old Dragon's booming voice reverberated across the forest. "Now we are going to find your sister and bring the both of you to Emperor Peak."

Despite the fact that the Old Dragon has mentioned him having a sister, Jacob's scaled face remained emotionless, as at the same time he touched one of Old Dragon's silver scales, he received a System's Notification.

[Host has become in contact with an Elder Dragon, a Side Quest has been triggered. Does Host wish to read its content at this moment?]

'Is Old Dragon an Elder Dragon? Then it is no surprise he is so powerful. I do not know anything yet about a dragon's evolutions, but it looks like it is a later stage of an adult dragon.' He thought while inwardly asking the System for the Quest's Contents.

After the System had read his thoughts, a screen detailing the new quest appeared in front of his eyes.

[Quest's Title: The dragons also have Gods]

[Quest's Difficulty: Hard]

[Quest's Description: Host is in the presence of a dragon with a rich ancient dragon bloodline. If the Host wants to devour dragons, the Host needs to grow stronger. Consume at least ten fresh drops of Old Dragon's blood.]

[Maximum Duration: Undefined.]


[The Dragon Bloodline Purity Screen will be unlocked.]

[Host shall receive an opportunity to open the Divine Dragon Bloodline Pool.]


[If Old Dragon dies without completing the Quest, the Host will be punished with severe diarrhea for a month.]

At the same time, somewhere far into the deep within the forest, a massive creature awoke from its slumber, opening its eyelids to show a pair of large irises glowing purple. Somehow, inside its pupils, one could see a gigantic silver dragon and a small white lizard.