
[Quest's Title: The dragons also have Gods]

[Quest's Difficulty: Hard]

[Quest's Description: Host is in the presence of a dragon with a rich ancient dragon bloodline. If the Host wants to devour dragons, the Host needs to grow stronger. Consume at least ten fresh drops of Old Dragon's blood.]

[Maximum Duration: Undefined.]


[The Dragon Bloodline Purity Screen will be unlocked.]

[Host shall receive an opportunity to open the Divine Dragon Bloodline Pool.]


[If Old Dragon dies without completing the Quest, the Host will be punished with severe diarrhea for a month.]

After Jacob had read the Side Quest's contents, many questions arose in his head, as this was the first time he had heard about bloodlines and his system having a Divine Dragon Bloodline Pool.

He had no recollection of seeing any Divine Dragon Bloodline Pool while inspecting the System. And even so, how was he supposed to get even one drop of Old Dragon's blood? He could die at any moment if Old Dragon forgot to hold his breath.

Nonetheless, fantasies began to fill his mind as he imagined himself completing the quest and opening the Bloodline Pool, but he put them on hold as his gaze returned to the punishment.

'Who the hell asked you for an entire month of diarrhea?!' The white dragon had nightmares solely thinking about spending a month having diarrhea. He was certain he would not be able to make it. For the Gods's Sake, he did not even have a bathroom.

At the same time that Jacob was complaining inwardly, the Old Dragon was moved. The Elder Dragon saw as the little baby dragon began to shed tears after listening to his words, and quickly stretching his wings, he rushed to the sky.

The Old Dragon was determined to find the white dragon's sister safe and sound. He could not bear the thought of keeping them apart any longer, feeling that they had a strong bond.

If the Old Dragon knew that the white baby dragon had been actually training and leveling up to be able to kill his adorable sister, he would puke blood and die on the spot. Although in defense of the white dragon, he was not aware that his target was a blood relative.

Jacob had to hold tight to the closest scale he could find, as after the Old Dragon took flight, he nearly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, all of the scales were larger than his body, and he had placed himself in the space between them, so it was not hard for him to immediately grab one.

Nonetheless, the push of the air against his face, the adrenaline of moving faster than he could ever imagine, and the excitement that he could feel being hundreds of meters above the ground, all of these sensations combined made him feel, for the first time, an urge to evolve and get his wings.

Jacob was sure of it. He desired to experience this incredible sensation every day for the rest of his life. He imagined himself soaring to the skies on a clear night, his figure rivaling that of the Moon, while he laid there, lonely and unchallenged, at the peak.

The Old Dragon noticed as the white scaled baby dragon, who he liked to call Little One, became absorbed daydreaming after he took flight. On the inside, he was proud, but his gigantic eyes betrayed him when they began to gleam with warmth.

After flying for half a day, the Old Dragon detected a familiar scent coming from deeper within the forest. Shifting his flying path slightly, he flexed his wings and released them with force, quickly overcoming ten kilometers of distance, finding himself in front of a ravine.

Jacob stood in the palm of the Old Dragon, his eyes wide and an ominous feeling coursing through his body. In front of him, a magnificent and spectacular pit stretched into the infinite, forming a ravine. It was so deep that only pitch black could be seen.

A sinister energy could seem to continuously leave the ravine, tainting the surrounding ground of a dark purple color. No vegetation or wildlife grow within a one kilometer radius, as if life itself has rejected this place.

"The Abyss." The usual might in Old Dragon's voice was not present this time, replaced by merely a whisper. "This was the place where the Impaler of Gods fought her last battle, and also her grave. Grab tightly and do not talk, as we do not want to disturb her remains."

Slightly folding his wings, the silver dragon let himself fall into the depths of the Abyss.

After entering the Abyss, initially, Jacob noticed a bright purple fog coming from the depths, but after descending for a few meters, they were suddenly surrounded by complete obscurity.

They had lost their sense of direction and could not even see their own figures. The only thing they could see was an abysmal and engulfing pitch black. The best option was to continue moving forward, relying on the bare dragon scent to guide them.

The pair of dragons continued to descend. They were fortunate not to be able to see their surroundings, because otherwise, they would have realized they were surrounded by sinister creatures.

The Abyss. Eons ago, it was known by another name: Karma. The majestic and greatest city of the world's most powerful Empire. It was also the home for a beautiful lady, later known as the Impaler of Gods, and where her tragic story began.

The Empire's rulers differed from the other existing Kingdoms. While in the Kingdoms the position of King was passed down, in the Empire, the position of Emperor was chosen by the Gods.

The Temple has always been the largest religion in the world as they prayed to all the Gods, giving them great power, but their position was unique in the Empire. Each time an Emperor or Empress passed away, they could choose the next one from among their disciples.

The Impaler of Gods was a disciple of The Temple, and the mightiest and most devoted disciple. As the best candidate, she was chosen to be the next Empress, and the Empire flourished under her rule. She quickly became popular and adored by her subjects.

However, one day, she received a message from The Temple. The Temple requested that one hundred thousand children be beheaded as sacrifices to the Gods. The God of Forge required their heads in order to complete one of his new creations.