Chapter 6

I walked to the shower to wash all the blood and grime off of me. This morning I woke up on my balcony, body scratched and drenched in blood. I leaned on the black tiles and closed my eyes. The lukewarm water irritated my open, sensitive back, but I clenched my teeth and endured it.

I looked down and saw the dirty water drain. I almost heaved when I saw a piece of fur and something that resembled an animal's hove struggling to wash away. That asshole monster had enjoyed his time yesterday and now slept contently inside my head and here I am, the one who was cleaning his mess. I tried to remember anything from the night before, but I couldn't. All I get always was bits and pieces of foggy memories.

I growled in annoyance and used my claws to scrub my hair with some shampoo. By the time I was wrapping a towel around my waist, there was a soft knock on the door. I inhaled deeply and smiled when I smelled my mother and little sister.

I made a small noise as permission for them to come in, and they entered the room. Asce ran to where I was and threw herself at me, making me stagger. “You aren’t that light, you know. You have gained some weight.” She growled softly and choked me with her arms that were circling my neck.

“That is your version of I have missed you, my sweet sister?” I chuckled and rubbed her cheek with mine, scenting her. That was a thing our wolves liked to do to the members of our pack. And it was a must among family and mates. To make someone smells like you, was as good as a claim. It let others know that this person was protected by someone else. And for mates, it was like a declaration that this person is taken.

As we were about to pull away, my nose twitched when an unfamiliar scent wafted my way. I held my sister in place and took a deep breath and kept it inside my lungs. My mind went fuzzy and my breath hitched. The beast woke and perked up. He shook his mane and growled deep inside his chest. Ascelina pushed me lightly and I looked down and found my claws were elongated and clasping her hair.

“Cas, what is wrong? Your eyes are swirling pools of gold now.” Her voice was small and cautious. I flexed my hands and retracted them and took a step backward and eyed my sister...

She cast her eyes down and bared her neck for me. I knew I was scaring her, but I didn’t waste the invitation to have a second whiff of that intriguing scent. I lowered my nose to the crook of her neck and grazed it with my teeth softly, telling her that I have accepted her submission and in the process, I inhaled again. This time, the beast stood and howled in interest. I wobbled on my feet and Asce took the chance to put some distance between us.

“Cas..” I snarled at the mention of my given name without noticing it. My mother and Asce froze, not daring to move. They knew that my beast was closer to the service. I closed my golden eyes and kept clenching and unclenching my clawed fists. What the fuck is wrong with me? Does this scent offend him or intrigue his twisted mind? His reaction doesn’t make any sense.

I swallowed hard and spoke. “Whose scent is this?” Lina looked up and I growled when I saw her eyes seeking mine.

“Which scent are you talking about, your highness? I have met a lot of people today.” When she spoke formally, I closed my eyes and concentrated on that tantalizing scent. Trying to get a description of it. “It smells like a cool breeze and morning dew. I can’t describe it, but it is like a fresh morning.”

My sister had a soft smile on her face when she answered me. “That is Sarah’s scent. It always calms me. She smells like quiet and peace if those ever had a scent.” I racked my mind for a Sarah and remembered that was my sister’s human friend's name. I breathed deeply through my mouth now. My canines were long and bit into my lower lip, drawing blood. I licked the few drops, and the salty taste settled me down a little. The monster growled.

“Out.Hunt.Now.” I snarled inside my head. “Shut up. I will not let you hurt a human female.” He matched my snarl, but his was nastier. “OUT.HUNT.NOW.”

“Alpha are you ok?” My mother looked up cautiously, worry written on her face.

“Yes, mother, it is nothing.” I turned to my sister.

“Just keep your human friend out of my way. There is something about her that agitates the beast.” I turned around and went back to the bathroom, but first I stood beside the door and talked still giving them my back.

“Leave now.” I know I was being a dick, but they both reeked of that female and my body was reacting in the most bizarre ways. My cock has plumped and filled quickly, making my head spin from the lack of blood that went south in a second.

I opened the water faucet on cold and shook hard. My cock hardened, and I glared at it. It was long and stiff; the head was swollen and leaking. I fisted my length and gave it a rough tug, it has been a while since I was this worked up.

Shifters were sexual creatures they liked physical contact. But in my case, it was hard to reign over my strength and temper. Besides, that asshole didn’t like to be intimate with others. He barely tolerated my mother and sister.

I kept jerking off under the stream of cold water, with no use. But the moment my mind conjured that sweet scent, it took me a second to explode in my hands. I hit my head a few times, I’m so fucked up.

A few hours later, I was sitting in my office checking some emails from my cousin, considering the council. The council was a group of five representatives from the supernatural world. A royalty from each faction who would speak on the behalf of his people.

I concentrated on the contents of the email and frowned. There was a disturbance in everywhere, Some shifters got killed, too. It was strange because we were hard to kill. Who would have the power and strength to do that.

Adiran said that the victims were drained of blood and left as shriveled husks. The pictures he has sent were proof of that claim. The council was informing me that, they would like to have a few members of the order to investigate and were asking for my permission.

I sent him an email approving of their decision before calling Lucius, the vampire king.

It took him two rings only before I heard his rough voice. “Your highness, it is an honor.” I chuckled at his sour tone. He must have been busy.

“Cut the crap bloodsucker, did you get any calls from the council?” Lucius growled and I heard a moan in the background before replying.

“Albion has been a pain in my ass for a couple of days now. Though he is sure like me that this wasn’t a vampire related incident.” I hummed and ruffled my hair. I had my doubts too after seeing the pictures Adiran has sent.

“Then what do you think was the cause of death?” Lucius sighed and I heard a slap, then a yelp.

“I have no clue, supreme alpha. But my cousin said that there was no scent or any indicator of the transgressor. The body of the bear was clean. Very clean actually.” I hummed thoughtfully, bears were known for their strength and endurance. The killer must be something powerful.

“I gave the order my permission to investigate.” The vampire grunted.

“Adiran has been nagging you too?” I laughed. “No, he wouldn’t dare. The blood moon is a few days away, and he knows I might kill him even through the phone.” A woman moaned and Lucius growled at her. I smirked, the asshole still at it even though he was on the phone with me.

“How are you really doing, Cas?” I thought for a second to tell him about the incident that happened an hour ago, then I got ashamed of what I did after. I rubbed my face tiredly.

“I’m managing. Barely.” The line went silent. And I knew what he was thinking of.

“Don’t worry supreme alpha, we will be there.” I chuckled.

“Did you get your invitation already?” He groaned.

“Of course, Dylan sent it three times.” I smirked. These two were like Pickering rosters.

“Ok, keep me informed if you found anything. See you soon leech.” I disconnected on his chuckling voice. I was in no need to hear more of his grunts.

There was a knock on the door, and Dylan entered. “Your highness, we have a situation here.” I snarled and stood. Why the fuck can’t I have a break?

“What?” My voice came out harsh and growly, but I was seriously pissed. I was about to go out for a run.

“We have found a body on the southern borders. It was on the shore closer to the mountains.” I cracked my neck before walking to the damn door.

“Did you identify them?” I stopped in front of my beta and narrowed my eyes.

“No sir, we don't know him. And his scent was unfamiliar.” I lowered my head and took a big gulp of air. Why does he smell different? I closed my eyes then inhaled a second time, and the scent punched me in the guts.

I snarled and flashed my canines at my beta. My clawed hand shot towards his neck. I tightened my grip and choked him. “Why the fuck do you smell like Sarah?” He swallowed hard or tried to and his eyes flashed yellow before closing shut.

“I was the one who greeted the princess and her guest then brought them here.” My beast shook and trembled with rage as he snarled inside my head. He howled.

“Prey.Mine.Play.” I growled at my beta and his body tried to shrink in itself, but I didn’t allow him. My mouth opened on its own and I heard myself repeat what the monster had said.

“My prey. MINE.” Tremors ran through my beta’s body and he nodded and this time I allowed him to bare his neck for me. I bit it hard and drew blood. I needed to send him a message. I snarled


The beast kept chanting inside my head over and over again. “My prey. MINE.” I growled and started to hit my head repeatedly, and it was no use. He kept pushing forward.

“My prey. Out. Play” I went to the balcony, then took off my clothes and closed my eyes.

I let the beast take over, there was no use in fighting it. He howled, then jumped and dropped on four. He raised his head into the air and howled again. But this time there were answering howls, in the distance.

It was almost nightfall and I relaxed. I hoped he would hunt and run till he tired so I might have a peaceful evening. But I was wrong. After two hours or so, he crept back to the castle towards the east wing and I stood at attention.

What the fuck was he doing here? The east wing was my sister's. My stomach dropped when I saw him zeroing on a certain room. He stood atop a large tree and inhaled deeply, then his chest rumbled happily.

There on the third floor’s balcony, there was a woman’s small figure. She wore a worn-out large t-shirt. The beast licked its lips and growled and it vibrated in its chest. My body went hot and my skin itched.

I gagged mentally when I found out that he was aroused by her.

Now I knew why the bastard has let me be conscious this time. He wanted me to see and know his intentions. I snarled at him. “No, you stay away from the human female.” The monster cackled.

“My prey. MINE.” I cursed fuck, fuck, fuck.

This human must leave now, it isn't safe for her here.