Chapter 7

It has been almost a week now and I loved every single minute of those six days. Lina would take me out each morning and we would take a stroll on the island. I know now that we are on the Caribbean islands. That was a hell of a journey. But it was worth it. I have never seen this much nature in forever. The place here is quiet and peaceful.

People are so generous and every day I return with so much sweets and baked goodies that I’m sure that I have gained a couple of pounds. It might be because of Lina’s popularity, but I liked to think that people actually like me.

I put on the long robe of my green bathing suit and took the long stairs two at a time. This morning my friend has suggested we should spend it on the beach because the castle was hectic for a couple of days now. She said the guest will start to arrive today and everyone is on red alert so we should stay away and enjoy ourselves.

It wasn’t something important. I was just glad that I had brought my two pieces with me or else, I would have to borrow something from Lina and that would be humiliating. Yeah, I look like an immature teenager beside her.

I jumped the last two steps and almost fell face first, but Dylan caught me. “Woah, where is the fire?” I laughed like a giddy kid when he raised me up and twirled me around.

“Lina is waiting for me outside and she gets bitchy when I show up late.” I told him, still giggling. He lowered me down, my body dragging against his and I shivered from the feeling of all of these firm muscles.

“Just go to the one closer to your wing. I might join you later.” I dropped to my feet, and he steadied me but didn’t let go. I smiled at him, shyly.

“Ok, we will wait for.” He gave me another hungry look, then let me go.

I went outside and found Lina standing with a frown on her face. There was some girl who I saw once before talking with her. She waved when she saw me approaching.

“What took you so long? I have been waiting here in the burning sun.” I rolled my eyes at her. “I was taking a shower.”

She huffed and walked beside me when I started to move. “A shower! When you are about to take a swim?” I chuckled.

“I don’t like to be stinky like you.” She stopped and glared at me before saying.

“Lucky for you, I have been doing some stretching and I’m sweaty now. Let me make you as stinky as me.” I shrieked, then ran away, but she caught me immediately and rubbed her sweaty, nasty cheek against me.

I pushed her away, laughing. “You are unbearable. I hate you.” She laughed and threw her arm around my shoulder, making me feel so small and tiny. She is way taller than me.

“No, you don’t. You love me. As a matter-of-fact, I think I can turn you, Lesbian, only for me.” I gave her a side glance.

“Nope, I don’t think so, unless you are Jason Momoa in disguise.” God, that would be perfect, I thought drily. I worship that man.

She slapped my shoulder with her other hand, offended. “Hey, I’m way beautiful than him.” I laughed.

“Exactly, beautiful, not handsome. He is just perfect.” She pushed me away.

“One day you will regret this.” She said and flipped me off and took off her robe and dived into the water.

I looked around me and sighed. This is paradise. The golden sands and the green trees. The warm, soft breeze. There was a small table and some chairs. The palm trees were used to give it shade and keep the space open at the same time. And there was a basket which was full of food and juice. I went there and rummaged through it and smiled. It contains my favorite pastry whoever made it knew that I love them. I must thank them when I return.

Two hours later of swimming and playing with Lina, I went back to the shore and lied down on the big towel trying to get some tan. When I was about to move to the other side I saw a figure emerging from the water a few meters away. The man was tall and muscular. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I knew he was looking at me. I sat straighter and looked back. His body gleamed under the sun, and his bronze body looked unyielding.

He took two steps toward us and my heartbeat picked up; I don’t know why but I really wanted to see him up close and touch that body. But he stopped and I deflated.

A shadow fell on me and I looked to the other side and screamed. Right in front of me stood a huge wolf. It was as big as a horse. I have never seen anything like this. I whimpered when I saw him lowering his head towards me.

Lina came back running towards me. “Don't be scared, Sarah. I told you before, we have friendly wolves here. He won’t hurt you.”

I turned a little towards her; the wolf was still in my peripheral vision and whispered yelled.

“Are you fucking kidding me? That thing is huge, look at his teeth.” The wolf whined and dropped on his stomach and gave me puppy big eyes.

Lina dropped beside me and patted his head. “His species is Amarok. A Direwolf.” She scratched his back roughly, and I gaped when the wolf turned his head and licked her hand.

The wolf looked at me again and took hesitant steps towards me. My back went rigged and I froze. He lowered his heavy head on my bent knees and waited. I swallowed and scratched behind his ears, then laughed when he rumbled and his tongue lolled out.

Suddenly, the wolf raised his head and looked behind me. When my laughter stopped and I cooled down, I heard a new growling voice. I patted the wolf and looked behind me expecting to find another animal, but there two steps away stood the man I was ogling minutes ago and he looked furious.

The sexy man didn’t look at me. He just glared at the wolf and snarled. Lina stood beside me and raised her hand in supplication. “Hey, brother. I didn’t know that you were here. We were just trying to have some fun and stay out of everyone’s way.” The man who happened to be Lina’s older brother, the king, turned his glare on her.

“What the fuck does he do here?” I shivered and almost moaned. His voice vibrated through every cell of my body and settled on my nether lips. My little nub throbbed. I gasped at the feeling and the king’s eyes turned towards me.

His chest expanded with his inhale and his hazel eyes darkened. He talked without taking his eyes off of me. “Leave and wait for me in my office.”

I heard a whine, and I turned to pet the wolf one last time, but a rumble startled me. I looked back at the king who was focused on me and again that damn throb. But to make things worse, I felt witness there too. He inhaled again and my face heated. It felt as if he could smell my arousal, which was stupid.

Someone cleared his throat, and then I heard Lina talk. “Brother, this Sarah, my best friend. Sarah, this is my brother King Cassius.”

I raised my hand to give him a handshake or something and he shook it, but then pulled me towards him and I was flushed to his chest. He rubbed his cheek against mine and then rubbed it against my neck. His warm breath tickled my nape and I shivered.

He rumbled again and pushed his body farther into mine, making me feel something firm against my belly. I moaned and then breathed him in. He smelt musky and spicy, and my knees wobbled.

He buried his nose into the crook of my neck before talking. “Welcome to my kingdom, Cervus.” His voice was husky and rough.

My breath hitched, and I almost dropped to my feet. Cassius took a step backward, his eyes still trained on me. His hazel eyes looked like swirls of gold, and my eyes widened in surprise. Lina grasped my hand and I looked at her.

“Ok, we will leave now, brother. Sorry if we imposed on your private time. We didn’t know that you were here. Forgive me.” Cassius replied after he closed his eyes.

“It is fine, Asce, don’t worry about it. I will be the one leaving. Have a nice day.” With that said he turned around and left us. I stood looking at him until he disappeared.

Lina slapped my cheek softly I blinked at her. “Hey, earth to Sarah. Where did you go?” I shook my head before replying. “Is your brother Jason Mamoa’s twin? Why didn’t you tell me?” I joked which was silly but, I always restore to sarcasm when I’m embarrassed or scared.

She laughed and pushed me toward the Castel. “Yeah, he is his clone actually and now you know our family darkest secret.” I laughed nervously, grateful that she didn’t call me on the humiliation that just had happened a few minutes ago.

That night I spent it tossing and turning. I didn’t get any sleep at all. My body was a hot sweaty mess and I kept leaking like a damn faucet. I masturbated like four times and still, I wasn’t satisfied.

And each time I remembered his deep voice and his hard body against mine, I would start all over again. Especially when my mind tried to imagine that big organ that bit into my stomach. God, he was blessed down there.

By dawn, I was finally able to sleep too exhausted to continue like this. But all the time I felt as if someone was here with me. I wasn’t afraid per se, but that predatory presence was comforting and arousing at the same time, particularly when in my dreams I felt his hot tongue licking my cheek and chest and I felt his breath fan my private bits.

And the next morning I woke up wet and throbbing.