“What’s this bookstore like?” They’d headed out of the restaurant finally, the three men kindly splitting the check between them, rather than making the girls pay.
“Secondhand mostly. But you’ll find all sorts of good reads in there. Dickens, Dickenson, Stoker, Shakespeare, Doyle.” Sally looked at him.
“Shakespeare, eh?”
“Yes.” He raised an eyebrow at her. He pretended not to notice when she took his arm. Calm down, Neil, it’s customary when walking with a lady…although the reflection in this window, you two look good together. Stop. Stop it. You can’t.
“Not a fan. Granted, I have little experience. We read Romeo and Juliet in class once.” Sally’s eye roll made Neil bark a laugh. “Awful. Sarah Green had to play Juliet, naturally, because Samuel Smith was Romeo, and everyone knew that she wanted him.” The melodramatic retelling made Neil laugh again.
“Is that so?”