Chapter 17: where is your bedroom?

Dan nodded and left the house immediately banging the door softly after him.

Rohan turned to the woman and said “follow me and I will show you to your room.” As they were climbing the staircase, he said to her again “no servants yet, so you have to take care of yourself as much as you can.”

When they arrived at the floor, he pointed at a door, “that is your bedroom for the time you would be here.” He had two bags in his hands, he gave her one “I bought this snacks for you, you manage it, by tomorrow morning, you cater for what you will eat.” He said without any expression.

He turned and was about to leave when the woman asked him “so where is your own room.” He hesitated wondering why she should be asking him his own room. What does she want to do in his room?

If she was thinking of a romantic wedding night, then she must be out of her senses.

No woman in her right senses would want a man she did not know to touch her. Just because they were joined together in the church.

Rohan forgot that he had at one or two occasions slept with women who were total strangers to him, those were prostitutes.

So it would not be so strange if the woman was thinking of sleeping with him even though he was a total stranger.

But the woman was not thinking along that line, she was just asking out of courtesy or out of curiosity.

After some minutes of hesitation, he forgot his reservations about the girl and pointed his hand towards a door “that one is my bedroom, the other one is my study” he said as he pointed at another door.

After pointing at the doors, he ran downstairs, but after jumping few steps he turned and the girl was still looking at him.

He said to her “the clothes and others things initially arranged for your sister is in your room, make use of all of them. If you need anything, my assistant Dan would provide them for you. You are free to stay for as long as you want.”

The agreement was till her sister comes back or till six months if she fails to come back. But now he was telling her she is free to stay for as long as she wants. What if she wants to go tomorrow, would he allow her?

Why was he talking as if he was going somewhere?

This made Chin Cho slightly uncomfortable and she really wanted to ask him if he was about to travel or go somewhere, but the sadness and coldness of the man’s facial appearance, made her swallow her words.

She turned and entered the room, the room was well lit, and she dropped what she was carrying on the dressing table. She looked round the room, it was so beautiful. She almost envied her sister for marrying into such luxury.

She undressed herself and went into the bathroom to take shower the bathroom was even more beautiful than she anticipated.

She came out and went straight to the wardrobe, and looked through. she saw some night wears, and tried one on. But it was not something she could possibly wear.

She dropped it and wore another night gown, they were all the same. The night gowns where designed for two pairs of eyes; the woman wearing it and her partner.

In fact, if another man sees her in that night gown, the man would certainly faint. It was as good as not wearing anything.

Who might have selected this kind of night gown for her sister!? Was it the man himself, his assistant, or her sister?

She didn’t know what to wear. When the wedding gown was brought to her at the church, she had removed her own clothes and kept there. after the wedding she had forgotten to carry her clothes. Now she has nothing to wear.

All the clothes that were supposedly prepared for her sister were all stupid and weird. The types she can’t possible wear. Especially the night gowns. They were designed to seduce the man every time the woman wears it.

Does a man have to have sex every night? How silly!

At the end, she decided to wear one, after all the man had gone down stairs, and when he comes back, he would go to his room. And in the morning, she would change into another thing.

After getting ready to sleep, she remembered her mother, she sat up to pick her phone and call her mother to tell her all the nonsenses that has happened today. She was really blaming the mother for forcing her to come to the wedding in the first place.

Now she had found herself in a mess.

She was also going to call her father to remind him about the money he promised her for her mother’s medical bill.

When she opened her purse, she saw the checks. She was shocked, she had forgotten to give the man his check. She would give them to him after making her calls.

She dialled her mother’s line, it was not reachable, she dialled her father’s line and it connected.

Her father was excited and was about to say something when she cut him off “dad please I don’t have time, I just called you to remind you of my mother’s medical bill, I would come tomorrow to collect it and go to give to my mother.”

Her father hesitated and said okay.

She packed the checks and strolled downstairs to where she was hearing some

noise, knowing that there was no other person apart from she and Rohan in the whole house. She naturally assumed that it must be Rohan.

At the sitting room, Rohan was sitting in a sofa and had about four bottles of hard liqor beside him, he was writing something when he noticed her presence.

The man was a drunkard, if not why should he have four bottles of hard liqurs beside him. Thank God the man was not going to be her permanent husband; how much she hates the odour of this drink’ she thought in her heart.

When the man noticed her presence, he looked up abruptly and then gasped in shock, he frowned and knitted his brows.

Chin Cho thought that she had scared him and apologised immediately “am sorry Mr. Bon-Hwa, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just remembered the checks and decided to bring them back to you.”

The man did not say anything but looked away quickly and continued with what he was doing.

He was not scared by the presences of the woman, but by the strange reaction from his body the moment he set his eyes on the woman.

His else bride, Chin Sun had worn those night gown before, but he had never had any strange feeling within him, he only touches Chin Sun when he wants to not when she wants to, no matter how naked she was.

But at the sight of this one, he panicked, ‘maybe because she was extremely beautiful he reminded himself.’