“Did you hear what I said Mr. Bon-Hwa, your checks.” She moved closer to hand them over to him.
But he raised his right hand abruptly and stopped her “hold it there woman! Don’t come near, go back and put those checks where I put them before.
She was at lost, but decided to go back and keep the money in her purse until the man request for them by himself.
She turned and was about walking up stairs when his words interrupted her
“Did you think that I would fall for your naked body?”
Chin Cho was shocked as she looked down at herself. She had forgotten what she was wearing.
she ran upstairs in a haste, but she still heard the last words he whispered more to himself than to her. “am already a dead man, whichever way, your efforts would not be yielding any fruits.
This statement that he was already a dead man really kept her awake throughout the night. She tossed and tossed, until she could no longer bear it, she went and leaned on the window pane of her room, looking at the entrance of the villa.
She looked at the time, it was 12 mid-night.
‘I don’t think I can bear it any longer’ this thought kept coming to the mind of Rohan. It was an evil thought; the spirit of suicided has entered his mind three months ago.
The incident that happened three months ago made him wanted to commit suicide.
But only one thought kept him from committing suicide then. During that incident, he had wronged a girl, and he made up his mind to apologize and compensate the girl. He would even love to take responsibility by marring the girl, but he was already engaged to Chin Sun.
So he could only compensate her. But for the past three months, he has not be able to find the girl. Even when he was preparing for his wedding with Chin Sun, he was still busy searching for the girl.
He had made up his mind to keep searching for girl until he finds her.
It was the thought of finding her that kept him from taking his own life. And after some time, the evil thought went away. But today; when they left the reception of the hotel, while sitting in his car going home, he had opened his phone, all he was seeing was himself in the news. He logged into his Facebook, the same thing was happening, Watsapp, WeChat the same stories of him.
Even the incident that happened three months ago, was republished today. The print media, the social media and other forms of media were adding the incident that happened three months ago to the incident that happened today. And adding one to two is bad counting; He was making terrible headlines.
‘I don’t think I can bear it any longer’ he had told himself while they were driving home. At that moment the evil spirit of suicide came back and he started contemplating taking his life.
The shame and embarrassment had become too unbearable. What was he living for? He kept asking himself.
He had a loving and caring twin sister, a dotting grandfather. But they were better off without him. He had caused them so much embarrassment. He had thought hard and long and concluded that there was nothing to live for.
That night after sending Chin Cho to her room, he went down stairs to the sitting room to prepare for the suicide. He was writing his will when Chin Cho came down with the checks to meet him at the sitting room.
When he saw the girl, his heart skipped, his hands shook, he almost made a mistake in what he was writing.
He was frightened by his own reaction, it is true that for the past three months he had not touched a woman, but his body has not reacted this way to any woman. Even last night; the eve of the wedding, Chin Sun had worn a similar night gown and was lying right beside him on the bed, his body did not react.
Why reacting to this stranger?
When he embarrassed the woman and she went upstairs, he thought that he would calm down, but he didn’t. he almost forgot his mission and wanted to go after the woman, telling himself that after all she was his legally married wife.
But, after a while, he calmed down and continue with what he was doing. There was no need for him to start what he cannot finish.
When he finished writing his will, he went to his study and put the papers inside a file and placed it on the table where it can easily be found.
He believed that Chin Cho was asleep by now.
He then went down stairs and carried the four bottles of liquor and his lighter, and a candle. He was very careful not to wake up the girl upstairs.
But the girl was not sleeping, she was wide awake. What kept her awake is what she did not understand?
She lay on the bed and tossed until she got tired of tossing and she went back to the window to look at the glinting city.
While leaning on the window pane, she saw someone pointing a torch, she did not see the person well, only the light from the torch.
She picked her phone and looked at the time, it was about 1am.
Who could be walking around the villa by this time of the night?
While she was watching, the person entered the storage house. The storage house was a small house built beside the main building. The person entered and slowly closed the door.
Since they came back to the house, she has not seen any other person in the villa, so the person is either Rohan or burglar.
What surprised her also was that the whole villa was now in darkness. The light was switched off from the control switch.
She has to find Rohan and inform him of the blackout and the presence of a person in the store house.
The Accident
With the light of her handset, she went quickly out of her room, knocked quietly at Rohan’s door; there was no answer, she held the door knob and entered the room. There was no one inside the room.
Because of the blackout in the whole house, she was afraid to go downstairs. She went back to her room. She sat down on the bed while still looking at the store house with fear.
Then she decided to call Rohan on the phone, his phone was switched off. She was at lost