Chapter 19 The Accident

on what to do. She lay down hoping that sleep would come, but it did not.

After about one hour, she looked again through the window, and what she saw shocked her; the store house was on fire. Holy Mary! She shouted, taking her phone, switch on the light and ran downstairs.

Placing her finger on the door knob, the door opened and she ran towards the store house.

It must be Rohan, since Rohan was not in the house, he must be the one in the store house, but why the house was on fire is what she did not know. It must surely be her husband inside that house. And she can’t fold her hands watching her husband burnt to death.

In front of the store house, she stood shaking violently; what should she do? Should she call the police, she didn’t have the police emergency number? Should she call fire services? She did not have the emergency number.

Even if she had their numbers and called them, before they could arrive at the scene, the person inside; which from all indication might be Rohan would have burnt to death.

Who should she call? Then she remembered Dan; Rohan’s assistant. She quickly scrolled down and dialled the number, lucky enough it connected. “Mr. Omar, our house is on fire…” she barely uttered these words but Dan was able to get an idea of what she was saying.

“hello, hello Madam…” there was no more reply from the other end. He knew that something terrible was happening. Without changing from his night wear, he jumped into his car and headed to Rohan’s villa. It was about not a long drive.

As Chin Cho stood in front of the small house, she saw that the fire was raging even more fiercely, she panicked. She pushed the door, but it was locked from inside. Too bad, she was not a man, or a physically strong woman. But she must try her best, she ran around and found something and hit the wooden door hard and it gave way.

With her handset light she ran madly into the storehouse.

When Rohan entered the storehouse two hours ago, he sat on the small bed. Opened the bottle of liquor, put a tablet of sleeping pill inside the bottle and drank it. He opened another bottle and repeated the same process. He did this to the four bottles and then put the candle stick on a wooden table, with the lighter, he put the candle on.

He then lay down on the bed and slept off.

He wanted to do this thing inside the villa, and it would not look suspicious, it would be called an accident. But Chin Cho would also be affected, so he decided to go out of the building where he would be the only one who would get killed.

Rohan was very weak when it comes to hard drinks, he doesn’t take alcohol or any other thing that could get him tipsy. Even a glass of alcohol can make him loose his balance.

Since he discovered this weakness of his, he stopped taking anything strong.

For someone whom a glass of alcohol could make him loose his balance, how much more four bottles of hard liquor and four tablets of sleeping pills.

Laying on the bed, he was as good as dead. He had planned it that way, before the fire could wake him up, he would have been dead by then.

Soon after he slept off, the wooden table caught fire, the sparks from the flames immediately caught the old celling of the house.

The celling, woods and zinc had already caught fire, while inside of the house was only filled with smoke.

When Chin Cho ran into the house, the smoke inside was too dense for her to breath or see, even her torch light could not see well in the dense smoke.

She opened her mouth to call out, but only got choked by the smoke.

She was coughing violently, but she was seriously looking for her husband.

With the hazy light, she saw the man lying on the bed, she hit the man hard, but there was no response, she shook the man hard, but there was no response.

By now the burnt woods and celling pieces were falling down at random.

Trying to fight off the fire from her body and saving the man at the same time was really a terrible experience for her. Her new phone fell off to the ground, she did not even notice it.

With her two hands, she held the man and dragged him down from the bed, she did not know where the door was by now, but she used her common sense to seek the direction of the door.

Dragging the heavy man through the ragging fire, she saw hell. It looked like both of them were going to get burnt. At a point she was tempted to leave the man and run for her dear life, but she shook her head and continued dragging the man. Her conscience would not allow her to leave him there.

By now she was barely breathing.

Praying in her heart that God would save them, she eventually dragged the man out of the small house and then she fainted beside the man in front of the house.

Ten minutes’ latter Dan arrived at the gate, seeing the fire he was alarmed. While he was coming, he had called Rohan’s two body guards.

He was about calling the fire service, but decided otherwise, since he did not get the information well from the woman, he decided to reach Rohan’s house before calling the police and fire service.

The moment he reached the gate, the get opened on its own, he drove straight to where the fire was raging, before he got closer, he saw two bodies lying side by side on the ground in front of the store house.

He stopped and rushed them, he picked the woman into his car, and was struggling to carry his boss to the car when the bodyguards arrived.