Chapter 64 : I she alright?

And when she went back, as she had expected, Roahn was busy calling her. she was going to switch off the phone after answering this call, she told herself.

When she picked the call, determined to switch off as soon as possible, Rohan said to her “Tamar is she alright?”

“Yes, she is sleeping soundly.” She replied a little too harshly, she loved the girl and did not want to feel jealous or irritated because of her. so Acada had better behaved.

“Okay you guys went out for shopping in the day time so how was it?”

Unbelievable, by 1am in the morning, some people call it 1am in the night, someone was calling you and asking you how was your shopping in the daytime.

It was simply amusing, but Tamar was not amused. She decided to be calm hoping the call will come to an end, knowing that after the call, she would switch off her phone, let her see who he would be calling.

She replied angrily “the shopping was fine”