Chapter 63: She doesn’t love me

He was speaking softly now; he had suddenly realized that he was too harsh on the woman and decided to soften up.

“I know, but you are a married man now and need to tell your wife your way about. She was really disappointed this evening when you did not come back.”

This statement made Rohan to involuntarily adjust in his seat and arc his brow at the same time. His wife was disappointed in his absence? he became very interested.

“So, did she say anything?” he asked smiling with an unusual interest.

“no, she did not say anything but I guessed her attitude.”

“Oh! I thought she told you anything,” he hissed disappointedly, “stop reading peoples attitude Tamar. And besides, she doesn’t love me, she loves someone else; the father of her unborn child.”

He said this as he remembered how the girl has vehemently refused his advances last night. But he fails to remember how the girl has responded to him in the bathroom this morning. He was the one who pushed her away.