So right now, apart from Bon-Hwa Acada, she doesn’t know any other name her husband is bearing.
“what is the name of your so-called husband?” Chin Cho detected some mockery in his voice. As he repeats his question
But she did not mind, he was not mocking her but the man in question.
“his name is Bon-Hwa Acada.” She replied.
“From what your mother told me, he is said to be very powerful and wealthy, so how come his name is not among the most powerful descendants of the Bon-Hwa.
Boe Ho has searched the internet for the man’s profile picture, but could not see any.
“if a man’s wealth can be judged by his house and cars he drives, then he is very wealthy. As for being powerful, I don’t know.” She replied him warily.
“Well that is not important now, what is important is; why do you want to find the father of the child?”
“Because I don’t want my step sister and Mr. Bon-Hwa to have the child when they finally get married.”