Chapter 74: Dismiss her bodyguards

She thought that there was something very important, that made the woman to be so happy, she was very tired and she wants to have her meal and get to bed immediately. She has no time for a man who cannot call his wife directly.

But always calling through others.

She was determined not to call him first. ‘lets see who would call the other first.’ She muttered to herself.

The woman sensed her lack of enthusiasm and felt that she must be very tired.

“I know you must be very tired, let me get things ready for you.” She then beckoned on the new maids and told them what to do for the madam.

The next morning, she woke up early, and got ready, she wore a light pinkish dress that could be said to be the same with the colour of her skin. The dress was not body fitting, it was slightly loose, and knee length. She purposely bought it, it was good for all occasions.