Chapter 76: I don’t know how to drive

He met Dan at the corridor, lost in thought. Dan was wondering how to tell the master what his wife was demanding. But fortunately for him, the woman called the master by herself.

Rohan’s heart had skipped when he saw the caller ID, luckily, the heart was not seen by any one, people would have been shocked that the hard hearted boss’s heart skipped because of a call from a mere woman, as he always refer to women.

From now on, he dares not call a woman a mere woman. He was beginning to see the ‘strength of a woman’

No this was not a matter of a strength of a woman, ‘he has never picked his mother’s or twin sister’s call when he was busy, how much more when he was in the middle of a serious meeting with his executives?

This woman must really be a witch of the first order.

He was brought back to reality when the woman said to him.

“See Mr Bon-Hwa I do not want the services of your bodyguards until further notice.” She said ıt with a high level of meanness in her voice.