Chapter 77: Looking for the father of her child 2

They seem to be more rational than Rohan and Dan. It occurred to them that Mr. Bon-Hwa might sent some spies to monitor her movement.

So they separated briefly saying good-by to deceive any on looker, Chin Cho went to the back of the school, going through the exit gate. While Boe Ho rod and waited for her at the express road.

When she came out and entered the bike, she said to him “lets go to my hostel and get the business card I got from his car that day.”

Boe Ho nodded and rod off. Very soon they reached her hostel, which was not very far from the school.

She can’t remember where she kept the key to the house, but luckily for them, Boe Ho had a spare of the key in his bunch of keys. He took it out and unlocked the door.

When they entered inside, she went straight to where she kept the card and brought it out and gave it to Boe Ho. The card was of silver color and on the card was boldly written BFG. There was also a phone number on the card.