Not that he was a good young man when his parents were alive, no! far from it, but he was doing all his evil mischievous deeds in secret, but after the death of his parents, he seemed to have become wilder and do whatever he wants openly.
He reads most of his activities in the papers, and the paper are always very care to present him in a better light than the social media.
But for sometimes now, the papers have stopped publishing about him and then on the day of his wedding, he heard of his marriage interruption and continuation, when he called him, he could not pick, (that was when he was in the hospital) when he called his twin sister, Vera said the brother was in a honey moon with his new wife.
He has not seen or heard from Rohan for a pretty long time now, so it surprised him when a young man and a pregnant woman came looking for Rohan in his house.