Chapter 89: “Don’t worry, let’s get you a hotel first.”

The couple stood up and went outside, I think I told you to lets forget about this, that I will father the child. Can you imagine all these embarrassments?” he asked her with a heavy heart.

“Am sorry Boe Ho, but we are already into it and there is no going back.”

There is no going back you said? If I decided to back off now?” he asked quizzically, his anger and displeasure showing on his face.

Chin Cho was silent, she did not want to go into argument with Boe Ho, if he backs out fine, she would continue alone and ensure that she secured a better future for her unborn child.

Nothing on this planet earth is going to make her let her half sister and her husband to be, have her child.

The dislike between her and her half- sister was as dense as that.

She was willing to do anything, she was willing to receive any insult so long as her child would be beyond the reach of Mr. Bon-Hwa and his future wife.