With a little hesitation, she collected the phone from Tamar and said “hello Mr. Bon-Hwa” she said a little tensed up.
Hello Mrs. Bon-Hwa” Rohan imitated her voice in anger. He was not happy because of the way she was constantly calling him Mr. Bon-Hwa.
But what else will she call him; she did not know of any other name he was bearing and he knew that and had instructed Dan and Tamar not to let her know of his full name until she finds out by herself.
Why was he then annoyed that she is using Mr. Bon-Hwa which was too formal for his liking?
He would have loved her to call him several names such as honey, love, my heart and so on, but he told himself to be patient that with time, he will get her to call him that.
Which time? The time that Chin Sun would be back or the time that she would have divorced him?
“so how was your school today?” he finally said to her.