Chapter Eight

Soon the car started to run on the roads with their bodyguards following them.

After 25 minutes their cars were in front of a beautiful building.

It was a huge building with 50 floors and a penthouse on the top floor means 50 floors plus a penthouse.

The car doors were opened by their bodyguards. They all came out from their cars.

Myra was looking at the building with admiration because this was designed by her father, her father was an architect and when he was alive all the projects were personally designed by her dad.

She was just 3 years old when her parents died in a car accident but he had few beautiful memories of her parents with her, and her dad, papas, and moms tell her and her brothers about her parents so she knew everything about her parents. They also had few videos of her birthday when she was small, her parents made videos whenever they had time to cherish the memories of their beloved daughter.

Whenever her family missed her parents, they all started to watch the videos to cherish their love.

This thought brings tears to her eyes as she was missing her father but not wanting anyone to know so she wiped her tears.

But she forgot that nothing can be hidden from her brothers. Her brothers came to her side and hugged her.

"We all miss him Baby Doll," Ayan said wiping her tears.

"Now its time to make him proud," Karan said to which she nodded and they all entered in the building.

When they entered the building everyone's eyes were on them only.

Some girls were drooling on the boys while some were getting jealous of Myra and Kia.

The same thing was happening with the boys, as soon as Myra and Kia entered the office premises all the boys started checking them out.

Possessive brothers found it that every boy looking at their sister and Kia.

"Do you all not have any work to do or should I fired you to just talking and roaming here and there without working," Karan roared at them and they all started to do their works with fear.




Hurry up guys, they will be here any time.

In-office everyone was running here and there to check their work and figure out any mistake before their boss kick them out of the office in anger if he notices any slight mistake.

"Are the designs ready," the manager asked.

"Sir actually........" The employee shuttered with fear.

"Tell me," the manager was also sweating and scared of his boss.

"Sir the designs get ruined," the employee said closing his eyes waiting for his manager's outburst but what he heard was his panic voice.

"What are you saying, now how will I face him, what will I tell him if asked me about the designs," the manager clasped on the chair holding his hair as he did not know what to do next.

Now he will have to face his boss's anger which was the last thing he wanted to face in his life.

He did not think twice to fire people for any mistake, that was the reason his company was on top.

"They are here sir," an employee said coming in the manager's cabin.

After hearing the news the manager started to tremble in fear.

He was really worried about his job but today he might lose his job.

With shivering legs, he started to go to his boss's cabin.

While on the ground floor everyone was thinking only one thing at this time and that was about the girls because they never have seen any girls with these brothers.

Myra and Kia both understood Karen's outburst on the employees.

They both looked at each other and shook their head in disbelief and muttered 'possessive brothers'

Everyone had given them a title called 'Singhania Brothers' because everyone knew how much they love each other and how much they are possessive of each other.

Soon they all went towards their private elevator. They all entered and pressed the 49th-floor button where the CEO's office was located.

"Bhai why are we going on the 49th floor, your cabin is on the 50th floor right," Myra asked Aahil in confusion when he pressed the 49th button instead of the 50th.

"Yes angel, their cabin is still on the 50th floor but we have a surprise for you that is why we are going on the 49th floor," Yash replied to her question.

"What surprise Bhai," Myra asked with little excitement.

"You will know once we reached there Munchkin," Karan said to which she made a cute pout at her brothers.

On the 50th floor was for the CEO of SGC, It was the only office on the whole floor. It was a huge office and 3 tables were placed in that cabin.

One was Aahil's, one was Ayan's and one was Karan's.

These three brothers handle SGC and Yash and Vihaan handle other works.

Yash was the CEO of Myrash Hotels and Restaurants, it was famous all over the world, it's famous for its facilities and services which they provide to their customers. it also came under SGC but he was started by Yash as he was not interested in architecture.

The same goes for Vihaan, he worked with Yash they both handle their business very well. They had its chain all around the world. It was designed by Myra. Every Hotel and Restaurant was personally designed by Myra.

As for Aahil, Ayan, and Karan wanted to continue their family business, and now with their hard work they reached to these heights and their backbone was Myra.

Soon they all reach the floor and went towards the cabin. They all stopped in front of a cabin.

"Now Baby Doll close your eyes," Ayan said to Myra.

"But why Bhai," Myra asked with confusion.

"Because I am saying so, now come one do as I say," Ayan said again and closed her eyes with his hands.

They all opened the door of the cabin and entered in.

Ayan removed his hand from her eyes.

"Now you can open your eyes Baby Doll," Ayan said in her ears and she slowly opened her eyes and was shocked to see her surroundings.

She moved her gaze all over the cabin, it was a beautiful cabin painted with a light color.

"Wow it's so beautiful," Myra said admiring her cabin.

"Do you like it," Karan asked hopefully.

"Like it, are you kidding me Bhai, I just loved it," Myra said.

"Thank God," Yash said and Myra looked at him with a confused face.

"Wait did you guys designed it," Myra asked all of them.

They looked at her with a wide smile and nodded in agreement.

"But why," she asked

"What do you mean by why, of course for you," Aahil said.

"Oh bros I love you," She said and went to hug all of them.

"Say some new Cupcake," Vihaan said rolling his eyes.

"I hate you," Myra said glaring at her brother.

"Aww it hurts cupcake but it's okay because I love you," Vihaan said with fake hurt and Myra giggled at his comment and hugged him

"I love you too Bhai," Myra said hugging him.

"I know," He replied.

"Now if your brother and sister drama is over then can we move," Kia said rolling her eyes.

"Don't be jealous witch okay," Myra said walking towards her table.

"Jealous and that too with you, Oh come on I have better options to get jealous," Kia replied

"Oh really," Myra asked narrowing her eyes.

"Yes really," Kia replied with the same expression

"Stop it both of you, why are fighting like this," Aahil said and they both looked at him with a confused face.

"Fighting and we, when? Kia, do you remember when we were fighting?" Myra asked looking at Kia to which she nodded in no.

Everyone looking at them with mouth dropped.

"Then what was that a minute ago?" Aahil asked

"Oh that we were just talking," Myra said shrugging her shoulder and Kia also gave a nod in agreement.

"You both are unbelievable," all brothers gave them a disbelief look while Myra and Kia just shrugged at them.

"Princess this is your table and you will be working here as COO of SGC," Aahil announced.

"This is your table munchkin and Kia ( turned towards Kia and continue ) that is your cabin," pointing at an attached cabin with see-through glass.

It was also beautifully decorated, they never differentiate between Myra and Kia, they all treated Kia as their family members.

"Thank you Karan is so beautiful," Kia thanked them looking at her cabin, which was as beautiful as Myra's.

"Now you both adjusted your things today and from tomorrow you can start working, Baby Doll you are already aware of the projects and all so I do not think they you need anyone's help but if you want to know anything just come to us okay," Ayan said to which Myra nodded with a smile.

"After lunch, we will introduce you with the staff till then take some rest," Karan said patting her head lovingly.

"Okay princess we are going, for now, we will come to take to the conference hall," Aahil said caressing her hair.

"Yes Angel we are also leaving for our office but we will come by that time," Yash said.

"Okay My dear Brothers," Myra said and smile at her brother who was her world.

Aahil calls his PA to gathered all the staff at the conference hall for an urgent announcement.

Soon Aahil, Ayan, and Karan left for their cabin, and Yash and Vihaan left for their office.