Chapter Nine

After Lunch, Conference Room......

The conference room was on up-roar, everyone was curious to know the reason for this sudden meeting, some people were curious and were scared while some were excited to see their handsome boss who rarely interacted with them face to face.

"Does anyone know what is this sudden meeting for," One employee asked the other employee who was sitting beside him and hearing his question.

"I do not know, I also asked my manager but he is also not aware of this sudden meeting, I really hope that we will not have to face our boss wreath," He replied to the first one.

"I hope the same, It should not be something serious," They both prayed and thought about the worst situation about the meeting because these types of the meeting held only the time when it was something serious.

In the meeting, each and every employee of the company was available in the meeting room from the higher rank to the lower one.

Each and everyone had their own thoughts in their mind about the sudden meeting.

As the conference hall was an up-roar, the door of the hall open by the PA of their Boss, soon they saw 5 handsome guys walking in the hall with two beautiful girls behind them.

As they entered the hall, the hall went into silence at their coming.

They took their respected seat which was placed on the stage in front of all the employees.

Aahil stood up from his seat and walk towards the podium to make the announcement, he adjusted the mike and glance at the people who were curiously and nervously looking at him.

"Good Afternoon everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I know you all must be thinking about the sudden meeting and why are we all gathered here. ( he looked at everyone and continue ) There is an announcement which I want to make, Today we are introducing the new COO of SGC Miss. Myra. She will be working with us from today onwards," Aahil announced it to the whole SGC.

Everyone was stunned after hearing the news because they all heard that someone was working as COO from behind. no one knew about that person, no one saw that person but they heard that the person was very talented, SGC's growth was all because of that certain person but now there was new COO and on top of that it was a girl.

Many girls were jealous of that and many were envious to think that she will be near to that CEO. while the boys were thinking that they had to take orders from a girl.

When everyone was in their own thoughts Myra already made her way towards the podium.

"Hello everyone, It's really nice to meet all of you, I have heard a lot about SGC and I am glad that I was given the position of the COO, I hope that we all work hard together and help SGC to grow more and more in the future," Myra's voice broke everyone's thoughts and everyone listened to her carefully.

After the announcement, they all returned to Aahil's office. they all took their place on the couches which were available in the office.

When everyone was settled on their place Aahil went to his desk and came back with four files in his hand.

He took his seat beside Myra and gave the files to her.

"Princess, these are the information about them which you asked for, each and every detail is mention in these files, what they had done in the last 2 years and what they are planning in the future," Aahil's words grab the attention of the others in the office.

Myra looked at the files in her hand and looked at Aahil again who was already looking at her with concern in his eyes. He just wanted to make sure that the past incident will not affect his princess. If not for her he will handle this matter by himself.

"Thank you Bhai, I will make sure to use the information well and now their worst days are coming," Myra looked at the files and said with an evil smile on her face.

"Baby Doll, you said that you want to take care of this matter by yourself and we all agreed with you but you have to promise us something," Ayan said

"What is it? Bhai," Myra asked

"You have to promise that whatever you do and whenever you will come face to face with them, it will not affect your mood and you will be strong as you are right now if you face any problem while handling those shits, you will tell us the instant, you know that we all are with you," Ayan said

"Yes, Angel Ayan Bhai is right," Yash also agreed with Ayan.

Myra looked at her all brother who all are ready to do anything for her, her heart was overwhelmed with their love.

"I promise Bhai, I will do as you say and do not worry, I am not the weak Myra who will affect her mood just because of those shitty people, I agree that I thought of them as my friends once but it was all their game and I could not anything at that time because I had to maintain my low profile and they thought that I was easy to bully but now they will pay for each and everything which they had done to me, they enjoy to show off their wealth and money, let's see what will they do once all the money and power will snatch from their hands," Myra looked at her brothers and said with determination.

"Good to hear that," Karan said and they all stand up from their seat and went to give a hug to their beloved sister.

"Okay cupcake now go to your office and we will go home together," Vihaan said gave a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay brothers, I am taking these files with me," Myra said and said went to her office with Kia.