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Chapter 15- The Search

"Can I help you ma'am?" A girl of twelve stopped a beautiful woman. Shifting her gaze from her surrounding to the girl, she answered.

"Am looking for the nun please."

She smiled enchantingly at the awestruck girl. A man came in to find the girl bewildered at the lady's beauty.

"Didn't you hear her?" He shouted, sounding annoyed as he nodded at her direction for answer.

"Oh am sorry, pl-please follow me." She blushed in embarrassment and quickly turned round, heading for the nun's office. After some minutes of walking down the corridor, the girl came to a halt as she pointed at the door.

"Here it is."

"Thank you sweetheart, don't mind my husband, he can get really annoying sometimes." She smiled harmlessly at the blushing girl who nodded shyly before she headed back.

"You better behave now Jude, or I'll treat that behavior of yours." He harrumphed before rolling his eyes at her like a child. Taking a deep breath, she knocked at the door and not long after she heard a 'come in'. Opening the door with care, the lady walked in elegantly before she stood tall in front of the nun's desk as her eyes held hers.

"Good day ma'am, please have a seat." Nun Areta offered and the lady accepted with the handsome rugged looking man.

"So? Can I be of any help to you?"

"Well, yes." Answered the lady with a small smile. The nun nodded for her to continue.

"You see...my late sister happened to leave her baby in your care and am here to take my niece back, because I wasn't aware throughout the years that she had a daughter and died until last week." After that, she was mute as she stared at the frowning nun. Folding her hands together, nun Areta rested them on the desk with a sigh before questioning them.

"And who might your late sister be?"

"Odelia Harold." This caught the attention of the nun and she squinted her eyes at the lady.

"I've never heard of you young lady, so you have to convince me first." Gritting his teeth, the man bailed the lady out to her surprise.

"My wife here is Mrs Theola Jude, and her sister Odelia happened to run away with her lover to Brookfield, which is here without anyone's knowledge. It was after many years did we locate her, but to our surprise we found out she was already dead due to her husband killing her and himself for no reason, ending up with you taking her child." Theola was pleased with Jude for the first time in many years. Nun Areta was bewildered at this new information, she never knew people spread such rumors about late sister Odelia and her husband. Taking a very deep shallow breath she leaned back in her chair.

"Am truly sorry for your loss sister Theola, but your sister's child have already been adopted and that's not the truth behind Odelia's death."