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Chapter 16- Soulmate 1

A week passed and it was getting to three. So much happened in the home of Mr and Mrs Ferdinard.

Valeria and Kareen got along very well while Hubert and Everand never did, they argued indirectly. But as for Phoebe, she began to like Hubert. He was her sparring partner, a day never passed without them backfiring each other with words which she found challenging and gradually started falling for him.

Putting on her pyjamas, Valeria was about to climb her bed when she heard a knock on her door. Going to get it, she found Kareen smiling brightly with a glass of milk in her hand.

"You forgot this Val, you know you need a lot of it right?"

"Am sorry, thanks Kareen, I got exhausted." Taking it from Kareen's grip she smiled at her. Instead of leaving, Kareen still stood there eyeing Valeria.

"Is something the matter Kareen? Do you need anything?"

"Can I sleep with you?...sorry, I mean sleep over." She twisted and chewed her inner lips shyly as she waited for Valeria's response.

"Sure, come on in."

Entering happily, she jumped on the bed with a grin and went under the covers, waiting for Valeria to join her. Gulping all the content from the glass, Valeria gently placed it on the small cupboard beside her bed before turning off the light and covering herself with the blanket as she faced Kareen who blinked back at her.

"You're my best friend Val." Kareen exclaimed out of nowhere.

"Am I? Already?"

"Yes, you're my first best friend."

The three siblings were home schooled, so they never got to have friends until Hubert and Valeria.

"I don't know what to say...I've never had a female bestie apart from Hubert."

"Am glad you didn't."

Kareen mumbled to Valeria's hearing. Valeria giggled before saying her good night to Kareen.

Hubert couldn't sleep, he was thinking about Valeria. Getting out of bed, he headed for her room only to find Kareen in front of her door talking to her. He was annoyed at how Kareen spent most of her time with Valeria without leaving any space for him. He tightened his right hand into fist.

"You know, you need to relieve that hand. Why don't you go punch her." Snapping his head at the whisper behind his ear, he came to face Everand.

"For someone sneaking up on another person without minding his own business." Hubert retorted to Everand's irritation.

"Why won't I, when it concerns my beloved sister." Everand didn't want to lose.

"Pft, look who's taking." Ignoring Hubert's teasing, Everand continued.

"If you badly wanna see her, why don't you sneak in...at least am good at that." Before Hubert could snap back, Everand walked away majestically with a smirk of triumph.