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Chapter 17- Soulmate 2

"Valeria's not running away, at least give her breathing space for once." Hubert said angrily as he took Valeria's hand in his, taking her away from the amazed Kareen.

"Hubert? Are you alright?"

"I'm not Val, I can't stay away from you."

"But why? Am always around."

"You are around but not at my reach." She pondered on his words before giggling.

"Oh my! Hubert is jealous over a girl." Coming to a halt, he faced her and kissed her to her astonishment. Breaking the kiss, he gazed into her dark mesmerizing blue eyes.

"I am Val, am jealous of whoever steals my time with you away. Be it a girl or a boy." After those words rolled out his lips, he continued as he held her hand until they got to the spot he picked. He freed her hand and went down on his knees before placing his left hand on the ground and immediately, a rose grew tall to Valeria's admiration. Kneeling beside him, she smiled brightly as more roses grew with different types of colours.

"You're like roses, you exhibit many beautiful colours and you're as pretty as a bunch of roses." Plucking each and everyone of the flowers he handed them over to Valeria.

"I love you Valeria." Then he leaned in and pressed his lips on her forehead, she closed her eyes to savor the feeling. Her heart was beating wildly at his bold words and actions that she felt like crying.

"I love you more, Hub."

Seating on the carpet grass with Hubert, she laid her head on his left shoulder as she hummed in satisfaction and they enjoyed nature together in a comfortable silence with their hearts filled with warmth.

At night...

Walking along a corridor with white walls and tiled ground, she ran her fingers along the wall as she walked slowly. Soon she came to see a beautifully carved door, reaching it and opening it slowly she peeped inside to see a bedroom with no one present. It was a majestic room, a large bed with curtains round it, blood red coloured carpet with a tiger's skin at the bed's foot.

Enchanted by the princely room, she went straight for the bed and jumped on it happily, she laid on her back and savoured the feel of the soft thick blanket with eyes closed.

"You love it right?"

Shutting her eyes wide open at the deep gentle sweet voice, she jumped out of the bed to see a shirtless man at the window sipping wine from a fragile wine glass. He turned round majestically and she gasped at his breathtaking appearance with wide eyes.

"Seeing you in my bed makes my demon wild, Valeria." His gold eyes flickered enchantingly as he smiled widely. Taking a step he went to meet the shocked Valeria.

"Stay away...I said stay away from me...who are you? And why am I here?" He appeared in front of her making her stagger backward, falling on her bottom.

"Because you belong here my sweet Val, you belong to me." He kept getting closer and closer to her which frightened her to the core and she shut her eyes tight as she kept muttering.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream, you're not real."

Running a finger on her cheek down to her chin, Valeria shivered and quickly swatted the man's hand away before she scurried away as fast as she could, bolting out of the room only to fall into a deep darkness. Confused at the total darkness she screamed for help.

Opening her eyes with heavy breath, she quickly sat upright as she tried to calm her heart. She turned her head left and right to see where she was to only find herself back in her room.

"It was just a dream, God! But it felt so real." She thought loudly. Shivering out of nowhere, Valeria covered herself with the blanket, trying to decipher where such cold came from. She checked her window from her bed to see that it was locked.

'Then how come?' She thought and that was when she heard a slight noise at a dark corner close to the wardrobe. Fear seized her immediately and without thinking she blurted out.

"Show yourself whoever you are, come out...Now!!!" She commanded shakily. Squinting her eyes to try and adjust it in the dark, she saw a dark figure standing at the corner like a statue without moving.

"Please...stop scaring me, I beg you." She pleaded, reaching her limit and wanted to cry due to fear. Still no response, taking a deep steady breath she resorted to her last hope. She buried her whole body under the blanket shivering and praying till she slept off.