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Chapter 18- Soulmate 3

Morning came to Valeria's relief. She stared at the corner close to the wardrobe, there was no one there and she slowly got out of bed mumbling some prayers before preparing for the day.

Stepping out of her room she met Phoebe, who just passed her without saying anything. It wasn't new to Valeria to receive such cold treatment from Phoebe, but she didn't know why.

Following her behind, they got to the living room and headed for the dinning to eat breakfast. Pulling out a chair she sat down with Phoebe. Everand came in, their eyes jammed and Valeria smiled warmly before greeting him. He nodded and greeted likewise still staring at her intently. Valeria looked away and concentrated on another thing because of the awkwardness, and to her relief their parents came in before Kareen and Hubert followed.

They greeted each other cheerfully before the table was filled with different types of delicious meal by the house maids.

"How are you two enjoying your stay?" Mrs Ferdinard asked politely.

"It's great Mrs Ferdinard." Answered Valeria.

"Hey, how many times did I tell you to call me mom or Rehab?" Mrs Ferdinard corrected and Valeria apologized.

"It's alright dear, I know you're still trying to fit in. So how about you Hubert?" Rehab's attention shifted to Hubert. He stopped eating and gave her his full attention with his eyes.

"As you said earlier, am still tryna fit in," came his honest response.

"But don't you feel a little good or relieved?" Rehab pushed.

"I don't Mrs Ferdinard, am not feeling at ease at all." Everyone's eyes shifted to Hubert, some in shock and some in annoyance. Trying one more time, Rehab spoke.

"But what makes you feel that way dear?"

"All of you, you're all weird." He said innocently as he chewed a chicken from his fork. There was an awkward silence.

"Am sorry ma'am, but don't mind Hubert, he's not comfortable around people even back at the orphanage he didn't like anybody, even the nun and sisters." Valeria cleared the tension and Mrs Ferdinard forced a smile and nodded before she continued her meal.

Valeria felt someone was staring hard at her which made her even more aware of the environment, raising her head slowly she looked around before her eyes fell on Everand who quickly averted his eyes. After the silent breakfast, the children were being taught at home. Valeria later got enough time with Hubert as they practiced far away in the woods, the only powers Valeria knew she had were 'causing pain through the mind' and 'healing abilities'. She didn't tell Hubert about last night because she was not sure yet.

Drinking all the milk from the glass cup, Valeria prayed before going to bed only to be awakened later by the feel of cold fingers caressing her cheek. She snapped her eyes open only to see the dark figure retreat to her astonishment. She covered herself the more as she cried in fear that the cold creature could even come near her in the dark room.

Turning on her table lamp, the figure was gone. There was no single trace of it. Keeping vigilant, she kept darting her eyes from one corner to another at any slight noise until she slept off with the light on.