Chapter XIX

19841206-1207 diary

one thousand two hundred and six

Somehow, I had my hair cut yesterday, but I felt very uncomfortable today. When I ran in the morning, I put on Wang Fei's hat and changed my clothes. Maybe it was the first one to wear it. The students were curious, and then took it off. It was awesome. In the morning, biqingyuan claimed that I had gone back on my word. Tai Chenghua also said that for a long time, no matter it!

At noon, I found a needle and nailed the button.

In the afternoon, before class, teacher Fei gave me three manuscripts. I looked at them. Two of them were well written. They were icy. One poem, can you think of your hometown, was very good. I made minor changes. Teacher Fei said that I would write more articles, and I secretly agreed.

one thousand two hundred and seven

In the afternoon, I met Li Hongtao at recess. He said that he was afraid of reciting and didn't study liberal arts. I said that I had no idea now. Mr. Ji said that the papers from other places had been summarized after reading them. He said that in the past, people were afraid of the county, but now they don't have to be afraid of other places. I'm so numb that I don't seem to pay much attention to them.

At noon, he met Wang Feng. He held me and asked who was the first. He told me the number of times. He told me the number of times in a foreign language. Then he asked Wang Ling again. He told me, sighing, I... He is really a friend. He can't be perfect. As long as he has some advantages, I really want to associate with him.

19841208---1210 diary

one thousand two hundred and eight

Today is Saturday. I went to take a bath. I felt very comfortable after washing. I haven't washed for many days. In the dormitory at night, it was really * * who had her. Wait, I listened and had nothing to say.

one thousand two hundred and nine

In the morning, I read Tang poetry. In the afternoon, I played badminton with Chen Bin. Then I went to class. In the evening, I cut off the power. I read a book at Wang Beiyu's place. At 6:30, I called and wrote a composition. I don't know why. I am very distressed. It seems that there is something pressing me. I am very disappointed with the future. It is too far away, i.

one thousand two hundred and ten

Today, I read "juvenile literature and art" (Jiangsu). There is Huang Xiaobo's novel "difficult equations" and an article introducing her at the beginning. She has been admitted to the Chinese Department of Nanjing University. I like that novel very much. Can she do that? What about me? Can I catch up with her? I secretly made up my mind and have a bright future. Now I have become interested in English. Practice has proved that I am not bad at mathematics (I handed out the test paper today, 96 points, and most of the class failed). I am proud of geography, and the others are dominant. I remembered that during the summer vacation of the third day of junior high school, my brother told my parents that I would definitely fail in the Chinese Department of Nanjing University, but my father asked me to fight for it. What can I not win? I still trust myself.

19841211 diary

During the morning exercises, you Xuezhong told me that I was not afraid of the cold. I was cautious because of the old dog (GE). He had more clothes than me. It wasn't just him, but I endured it and it wasn't cold either. Qin bin straightened my waist, and I stood up. He said to others several times that it was very handsome. He said that next time someone told him that I walked beautifully, I was happy and wanted to straighten my waist.

In chemistry class, when doing experiments, the teacher found that there was no distilled water, so he nodded at me, so some students looked at me, Xuqian! As I walked, I thought about what to take. When I got to the podium, I took a test tube and quickly went to fetch water. After a while, I came back and handed it to the teacher. I found that Xu Qian looked at me. As soon as I looked at it, I had a white knot around my neck, so I thought of holiness and simplicity.

In the afternoon, the grade meeting was held, and Director Fu made a half semester summary. Later, several students from other classes gave speeches. It was OK to see xuqiubao, but I, I secretly decided to work hard in this area and be bold, I think.

19841212 diary

After doing the exercises between classes in the morning, the Taoist asked me to go to the bathroom. I asked fengqingrong for a book because Qin bin wanted it. I asked the Taoist to wait. After a while, he went alone. I have asked for books from Su Zhengyun for many days. In the afternoon, after the class break, I asked Daosheng again. He laughed and refused. I explained, but he had no intention and gave up. In the afternoon, after a supplementary test of 50 meters, fengqingrong and I ran for 7.4 seconds, and biqingyuan did the same. During the meal, Miss Lu Fengmei stopped me and said that it was a student in my class who had something in her place. She found it. It turned out that it was Cui Hui's handout. It was crowded when I was trying to fight. Sometimes I was just about to fight, but I was suddenly pushed to the back. I was very upset. A little student walked straight to the front, and a senior 3 student in front of me shouted "go over!" Me.

19841213 diary

It's terrible. I got up late in the morning these days. Although I made up my mind at night, I was always replaced by the lazy sleep the next day. When I woke up this day, several students got up. They were just confused and seemed to wake up. It seemed that there was a kind of consciousness that forced them to sleep again, and they thought that this would be beneficial. If they got up, it would be destroyed. This was because they dreamed every day, and there were some indefinable things in their dreams, Make yourself feel that you are doing something that is very relevant to yourself. When you wake up, you feel that it is too satisfying to sleep more. But when you get up, you don't feel much about it. Then you know that you have been cheated. I don't know what's going on.

In the morning, she went to hand in something (why not write something). When she took the book and handed it over, she felt that she had touched both hands, but she didn't feel anything. It was the same with Xu Qian, but she felt very different.